
Unit 3 What would you like? PB Let’s learn 教案

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:33次 大小:44621Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 What would you like 一.教学内容:Part B. Let’s learn & Look, write and say 二.教学目标: 1. 能听、说、读、写四会单词:delicious, hot, sweet, fresh, healthy. 2. 能用英语询问最喜欢的食物,如“What’s your favourite food ”。 3. 能用所学的形容词简单描述自己喜欢的食物。 三.教学重难点: 重点: 能听、说、读、写单词delicious, hot, sweet, fresh, healthy.以及能询问最喜欢的食物,如“What’s your favourite food ”。 难点:能简单讲述自己喜欢某种食物的原因。 四.教学准备: 单词卡片,各类水果和食品实物以及各类食物卡片。 五.教学过程 Step 1. Warming up 1. Let’s sing.师生齐唱健康歌。 2. Free talk (1)T: Good morning, boys and girls. My name is Viki. Please say hello to me. (2)师生齐看视频。T:What’s the video about Who will you thank on Thanksgiving day? (3)教师介绍主题:I want to thank my parents , and in the class I plan to design a thanksgiving menu for them. Step 2.Presentation 1. 教师用多媒体课件分别呈现以前学过的食物图片,头脑风暴,复习所学食物单词。接着教师出示食品实物,问学生what would you like 学生说出食品名称后把相应的食品给学生,并且口头输入It is healthy/fresh/hot/sweet/delicious.然后教师利用多媒体呈现鸡肉图片,并描述:for me, I like the chicken. And I like beef better. But I like fish best. So my favourite food is fish.教读单词favourite.教师接着问学生Do you know why I like fish best Because it makes me smarter, and it is good for our health. So I think it is healthy. 播放录音,学生跟读单词healthy. 正音字母组合th, 全班分小组读,然后请学生单个朗读。最后教师用食物面包、葡萄引导学生说出Look at the bread/grape, it is healthy.再拿出fish卡片说:The fish is healthy, so can we choose it for the menu 教师把卡片贴进菜单后接着提问:what other food is healthy 2. 教师拿出香蕉卡片问:What about bananas Are they healthy Do you like bananas Let’s buy some bananas.屏幕呈现不新鲜的香蕉,教师问:can we choose these bananas 再出现新鲜的香蕉,so how about these ones Because they are fresh. 播放录音,学生跟读单词fresh,正音字母e和字母组合sh, 再分组跟读,最后一组同学轮流朗读单词。再指着不新鲜的香蕉问学生:Why not choose these bananas Because they are not fresh. 最后让学生观察图片,点学生替换横线处的单词用英语描述食品是否新鲜。 3. 教师作总结:Since the bananas are fresh, can we choose them for the menu Now look at my menu, we choose fish and bananas because they are healthy and fresh. And they are also my favourite food. Now I want to know what’s your favourite food 黑板上呈现该重点句型,带读句子。然后教师再次展现实物问学生what’s your favourite food 学生作答后追问原因。当学生回答beef时,要求该学生品尝牛肉,然后问Is it yummy If some food is yummy, we also can say it is delicious.播放录音,学生跟读单词delicious.跟读该单词设置一个小游戏,教师的手出示数字几,学生就跟读几遍。然后,教师拿出牛肉条,让学生模仿教师闻牛肉,并作出美味的样子说:I like beef, it is delicious.最后师生一起把beef选入菜单。 4. 教师继续介绍:we all like healthy food, fresh food and delicious food. But there are some other food, maybe you do not like. 课件呈现辣椒照片问学生:Do you like them Why 呈现 ... ...

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