ID: 1336954

2013 深圳外国语小升初面试试题word版(含答案及解析)

日期:2024-12-22 科目: 类型:小学试卷 查看:53次 大小:682794B 来源:二一课件通
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2013 深圳外国语小升初面试试题 本次考试英语50 分,综合50 分。 英语部分(50 分) 第一题:听听力,选图片,共5 小题,每题4 分。 21世纪教育网版权所有 1.This is a wonderful place where I always share interesting books to my friends. 2.2012 Olympic Games will be held here.Let’s look around the Ben,come on! 3.I?like?eating?grass.Do?you?know?why??Tell?you?the?truth,I?don’t?know?exactly.But?grass?is?healthy. 21世纪教育网版权所有 4.--I’m not feeling well. --Let me look over you.How many days have you been like this? --since 3 days ago,I also have a cough. 5.I am his fans.I want to be a basketball player like him. ? 第二题:听短文,选择最佳答案,5 小题,每题6 分。 21世纪教育网 (一)听一段短文关于body language,听2个问题,看选项回答问题: Passage1 Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, even more powerful than spoken language. About sixty to eighty percent of people use body language in the word. Body language is often used when you meet friends. People around the word show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. With so many cultural differences between people,it is great to have similarities in body language. It is an amazing thing that we can understand each other easily by body language. 1.How many people use body language in the world?( ) A.30%-50% B.60%-80% C.70%-90% D.7%-10% 2.Which of the following statement is not true ? ( ) A.Body Language communication and word language communication are both important. B.Body Language is an unspoken language. 21世纪教育网 C.It's very difficult to understand body language. D.You use body language almost every time when you meet your friends. ? (二)红黄蓝是三原色,红色和黄色可以变成橙色,黄色和蓝色可以变成绿色,红色和蓝色可以变成紫色, 把红、黄、蓝三色混在一起变成黑色。 1.下面哪个属于三原色?( )21世纪教育网 A.Yellow? B.Green? C.Black??? D.White 2.将红、黄、蓝三种颜色混在一起,会得到什么颜色?( ) A.purple B.Green?? C.Black? ? D.White 3.what’s the best title for this passage? ( ) favorite color B.amazing colors to draw a picture D.meaning of colors 综合部分(50 分) 21cnjy 1.下列四个成语哪个没有错别字?( )(4 分) 21cnjy A.蛛丝马迹 A. 再接再励 B. 黄梁美梦 D.食不裹腹 2.下面选项中那个不属于希腊神话的神?( )(4 分) A.波塞东 B.哈德斯 C.索罗泰克斯 D.阿芙罗迪蒂 3.以下选项属于曲牌名的是?( )(4 分) A.西江月 B.清平乐 C.天净沙 D.浣溪沙 4.李斯特是钢琴之王,一天他来到皇宫给沙皇演奏,演奏到一半,沙皇还在说话,李斯特 停了下来,沙皇奇怪地问李斯特为什么停下来,李斯特回答:“沙皇讲话,我理应倾听。”请问李斯特的真正意思是什么?( )(5分) 21cnjy A.尊重沙皇 B.讨好沙皇 C.惧怕沙皇 D.讽刺沙皇 ? 5.听一段音乐,王洛宾《阿拉木汗》,请问是哪个少数民族的乐曲?( ) (5分) 6.推理题:白菜、土豆、西兰花、豆角代表星期二凌晨秘密进攻;白菜、土豆、南瓜、豆角代表星期二凌晨秘密计划;白菜、土豆、西红柿、豆角代表星期二的胜利属于我们。请问, 西兰花代表什么?( )(3 分) 21*cnjy*com A.星期二 B.凌晨 C.进攻 D.秘密 7.地铁题: (1)深圳地铁有几条线?(2 分) 2 ... ...

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