
外研版八年级上册Module 4 Planes, ships and trains .Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:74117810Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school. Jim’s home Sam’s home Tim’s home the school Tim’s home is _____ than Jim’s and Sam’s. farther so …… Tony lives _____from school. the farthest Who lives the farthest from school live far from...住得离...远的 Jim’s home Sam’s home Tim’s home the school Who lives the closest to school Jim’s home is _____ than Sam’s and Tim’s. closer so …… Jim lives _____to school. the closest live close to...住得离...近的 Jim’s home Sam’s home Tim’s home the school How can they go to school Because Tim lives the farthest from school. Tim can go to school by car. Tim can take a car to school. why Work in pairs by bus plane taxi walk/on foot bicycle car XXX can by… XXX can take a … train How can they go to school The car is fast. The train is faster. The plane is the fastest. Look and Say Taking a bus is _____. Riding a bike is_____. Walking is_____. Look and Say cheap cheaper the cheapest Taking a bus is _____. Riding a bike is_____. Walking is_____. Look and Say healthy healthier the healthiest Taking a bus is _____. Riding a bike is_____. Walking is_____. Look and Say healthy healthier the healthiest busy busier busiest cheap cheaper cheapest expensive more expensive most expensive modern more modern close closer closest crowded more crowded most crowded most modern Listen and match the words with the pictures.P26 busy cheap expensive modern ① ② ④ ③ ⑤ modern cheap expensive busy cheap Listening Boy: What's _____train in the world now Girl: Mm... I think it's the Shanghai airport train. Boy: What's _____way to travel around London Girl: Maybe it's by taxi. Boy: What's _____ way to travel around Beijing Girl: The bus. Boy: What's _____ underground in the worid Girl: I think it's the Tokyo underground. Boy: What's _____ way from England to France Girl: Mm... Train Boy: Sorry, it's by ship. the most modern the most expensive the cheapest the busiest the cheapest Fill Listen and check Listening How did Betty go to school today 2. What happened to Betty on her way to school (多选) A. Her bike was broken B. There was a road accident C. The traffic was very heavy. A. B. D. C. √ √ √ heavy traffic 除了...之外 What does Betty’s mum think of going to school by bike She thinks that’s a good _____,but a bit _____. Because there’s so much_____. What does Betty’s mum think of going to school by taxi She thinks it’s _____, but it’s also ___ _____ way. And taxis are ____ in heavy traffic too. Listening the most comfortable way the most expensive slow choice dangerous traffic Every coin has two sides. 万事都有双面性. Which do you think is a better choice, by taxi or by bike Ways to go to school Betty Tony Lingling Daming complete the table. by underground walk / on foot by bus by bus -- How does Betty go to school -- She goes to school by _____ . Retelling the story In Betty’s class, most of the students go to school by _____. Tony lives _____ ... ...

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