
牛津深圳版七年级上册Module 2 The natural world Unit 3 The Earth 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:64次 大小:48128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题:7A Unit 3 Grammar 教学内容:可数名词与不可数名词,there is/are 课 型: 语法 教学目标: 知识目标 1. 了解可数名词和不可数名词,并掌握其使用规律; 2. 掌握存在句there is/are…的用法。 能力目标 运用可数名词和不可数名词,并能使用there is/are…。 情感目标 培养学生保护地球以及保护环境的意识。 教学重点: 1. 可数名词和不可数名词的区别及其其使用规律; 2. 存在句there is/are…的用法。 教学难点:there is/are句型的运用以及就近原则。 教学方法: 生本教学;小组合作;任务型教学;链式情景法 教学流程设计: 教学过程 目的 教师活动/方法 学生活动/方法 条件/手段 Step 1 leading in Gift & picture show & summary 1 To warm up and learn countable and uncountable nouns. Tell the Ss to see the pictures and tell their names and numbers.Tell Ss to conclude the rules of countable and uncountable nouns. Tell the names and numbers accordingly. Summarize the rules of countable and uncountable nouns and present them. 1. Blackboard2.Oral presentation3. PPT Step 2Prevision homework checking To check Ss’ prevision to see if there are any problems. Tell the Ss to show their prevision homework. Show the prevision homework. 1. Blackboard2.Oral presentation3. PPT Step 3 Guessing games &Summary 2 To lead in the topic and guide the Ss to summarize the usage of there is/are… 1. Tell the Ss to read the sentences given and guess the topic;2. Guide them to summarize the usage of there is/are. 1. Guess the topic and read the sentences;2. Finish summary 2 and present it. 1. Blackboard2. PPT Step 4Typhoon game &practice To practice what they have learnt after the summaries. Play a typhoon game with questions concerning countable and uncountable nouns as well as there is/are in it. Play the game and practice the rules to solve questions on countable and uncountable nouns as well as there is/are . PPT Step 5Work show To use there is /are and nouns orally. Tell Ss to use there is /are and nouns to describe their environmentally friendly work. Designing and presenting. 1. PPT2. papers

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