
Unit 2 A Magic Day Reading and writing 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:35次 大小:5830330Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 A Magic Day What’s your favorite ride My favorite ride is… Flying chair(旋转飞椅) roller coaster(过山车) Ferris wheel(摩天轮) bumper car(碰碰车) Task 1 : Read the passages and underline the new words. 阅读短文,划出 新单词。 Task 2 : Think ‘ Who are in the passage ’ Task 3 : Matching Sally Eric Alex Task 4 : Listen to the passage and repeat . Task 5 : Exercise 3 in P23-- Look and match 配对短语 Task 6 : Think ‘ What did they do ’ and underline the answers. Task 7 : Read the passage. Task 8 : Exercise 2 in P23. Task 9 : Exercise 4 in P23. Do you know any spacemen or spacewomen Task 2 : Think ‘ Who are in the passage ’ spaceman/ spacewoman Yanliwei Fei junlong Nie Haisheng Liu Yang the first spacewoman in China the first Chinese spaceman Task 3 : Read and repeat sentences. Task 5 : Read and fill in the form. spaceman/ spacewoman spaceship when what …do Yan liwei Fei Junlong Nie Haisheng Liu Yang Who is this This is Yang Liwei. He was the first Chinese spaceman. He is great. Who are they Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng They are Write and say. Who is this Liu Yang Write and say This is

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