

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:96次 大小:84213Byte 来源:二一课件通
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二年级英语上3册7-8单元测试 一、听音标号(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ????? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音排序(10分) H? I? J? K? L? M? N R P u ? ?(?? ) (?? ) ?(?? ) ?(?? ) ?(?? ) ?(?? ) (?? ) (?? ) (?? ) (?? ) 三、听音判断,对的打√,错的打×.(5分) (?? ) 1.He plays the f lute at the weekend. (?? ) 2.She plays the drums in the afternoon, (?? ) 3.Amy reads books in the morning (?? ) 4.It’s half past nine. (?? ) 5.Does he listen to music? 四、请为下列词组选取对应的中文意思(10分) (??? )1.get up?????????????????????????????? A. 上学 (??? )2.go to school???????????????????????B. 起床 ?? (??? )3.have lunch?????????????????????????C.?? 上床睡觉 (??? )4.??go home??????? D. 吃午餐 ?? (??? )5.?go to bed???????????????????????????E. 回家 五、在小写字母前面写出大写字母(8分) ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????? 六、看一看,连一连(15分) S t W m J l T s M n L j R u N w I b P r Y q B d U p Q y D i 七、读一读,连一连(14分) 乘飞机 乘小汽车 乘自行车 乘轮船 乘火车 乘公交车 步行 by bike by plane by car by train by ship walk by bus 八、听音,选出你听到的句子。(20分) ( )1. A. How do you go to school? B. How do you go to work? ( )2. A.How does your father go to work? B. How does your rmother go to work? ( )3.A. I go to school by bus. B.I go to school by bike. ( )4.A.I go to Hainan on holiday. B.We go to China on holiday. ( )5.A.Igo to Beijing by train. B.I go to Dalian by train . 九、听音排序。(10分) ( )I go by train. ( )I go to Hainan on holiday. ( )Hello, good morning! ( )Then I go by ship. ( )I love Hainan.

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