
【核心素养目标】Unit 5 Educational Exchanges 第1课时Reading 1教案

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:15次 大小:3890243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳·广州版英语八年级上册第1课时教学设计 课题 Educational Exchanges 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 八 教材分析 The topic of this unit is about the educational exchange visits between Chinese and English students. The reading text of this lesson is a narrative. The main content is Sarah and Eric, two students from Woodpark Middle School in London, came to China to participate in educational exchange projects. Their activities and experiences in this exchange. After learning this text, students can understand the form and content of international education exchange projects. After this lesson, students will learn how to describe educational exchange activities. Be able to understand the main content of the text according to the title, introduction and illustrations of the main reading chapter, and be able to use skimming and searching reading strategies to obtain key information. Learn the discourse, understand the educational exchange activities, be able to understand their significance, and cultivate students' global vision. 学习 目标与核心素养 1.Knowledge objectives: ①Understand and master important words and phrases. ②Understand the form and content of international education exchange projects. 2.Skill objectives: ①Cultivate students' ability to obtain key information by skimming and reading seeking strategies. ②Be able to understand the main content of the text according to the title, introduction and illustrations of the main reading chapter. ③Understand the educational exchange activities, be able to understand their significance, and cultivate students' global vision. ④Deeply understand the content of the text; Summarize and describe the methods of educational exchange activities. ⑤Students can retell the main contents of the text according to the key words, key sentence patterns and pictures of the text. 3.Emotional objectives: Students should cooperate with classmates to cultivate their sense of teamwork. 4.Thinking capacity ①Cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems, and make correct value judgments on things. Grasp the essence of things, analyze, solve problems creative. 重点 Deeply understand the content of the text; Summarize and describe the methods of educational exchange activities. 难点 Students can retell the main contents of the text according to the key words, key sentence patterns and pictures of the text. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 一、Lead in What is an educational exchange "Exchange student", also known as the student exchange plan between schools, sends students from different countries or cities to each other's school to study, research and stay with their host families for a short period of time. The teacher introduces the topic to the students. What is the topic of educational exchange The teacher shows relevant pictures to guide students to think positively and answer questions. Students will discuss in groups, and each group will assign a ... ...

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