
Unit 5 Learning from nature Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:14次 大小:32077Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas 必备知识基础练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Misery inspires a man          (fight) against his fate. 2.She still has a long way          (go) before she’s fully fit. 3.Even if you meet some challenges,you should stick       it.Don’t give up halfway. 4.Some people thought that her sudden disappearance might be associated       UFO. 5.When she left the company,the director presented her       a set of golf clubs. Ⅱ.短语填空 in a similar way,respond to,in harmony with,meet the needs of,be covered in 1.The whole mountain           a thin mist when we got up the next morning. 2.Traditional teaching methods can’t                the social and economic development. 3.Our government is people-centred and must          people’s needs. 4.Psychologists at the school discovered that four of the children struggled with language                . 5.As the organization suggests,we should protect wild animals and plants to live             nature. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.她想不出儿童节该送孩子们什么礼物,这使她很焦虑。 She couldn’t think of                children as presents for Children’s Day,which made her anxious. 2.这个坏消息使我们对这件事更加担忧。 The bad news                         for the matter. 3.我喜欢在等公共汽车的时候看书。 I enjoy doing some reading                       . 4.在某个时刻,我们发现自己置身高处,仿佛骑车穿越云层。 At one point we were                we found ourselves cycling through clouds. 能力素养提升练 Ⅳ.阅读理解 A The terraced rapeseed(油菜)flower hills of Jiangling,Wuyuan is well-known as one of the four “seas of flowers” in China,attracting thousands of plant-loving tourists to come and appreciate and photograph the vast and endless rapeseed flower fields. “Rapeseed flowers are the messenger of spring,” said Bin Zhan,manager of Jiangxi Wuyuan Tourism,“Jiangling is the best place for a relaxing spring trip to enjoy the most visually impressive views of golden seas of rapeseed blossoms covering layered terrace fields.” The rapeseed blossom in the terraced fields of Jiangling,located 45 kilometres to the northeast of Wuyuan County,Jiangxi Province,reached full bloom in the second week of March. This year,Wuyuan restores ancient farming traditions and practices to give visitors an idea or the history,culture and folk customs of the county by adding scarecrows(稻草人) in the rapeseed flower fields.The creative scarecrows of Wuyuan County are designed in the shapes of popular cartoon characters,Hui-style architecture and folk customs.They are placed in the rapeseed fields to provide more fun and interactions for visitors on flower-viewing tours. “As flower viewing is becoming more popular in recent years,Jiangling is seeing a growing number of returning visitors,especially professional photographers who come back every year for ... ...

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