
Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat? 教案

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:43次 大小:17045Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题:M1U2What do you want to eat 一、学情分析: 二、核心素养: 语言能力:会运用What do you want to eat/drink 及I/We want.... 文化品格:知道英语国家中典型的食品和饮料的名称 学习能力:对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。 思维品质:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,用英语进行点餐。 课标要求:根据新标准的要求,本节课结束后学生需能够掌握look,cola,dollar等单词,能够朗读课文,阅读相关短文,能运用已学语言完成点餐,会用句型What do you want to eat/drink . 教材分析:本课是外研社《新标准英语》三年级起点六上第一模块第二单元,课文情境是Lingling和爸爸在快餐店点餐,Lingling点了汉堡和牛奶,爸爸点了面条和可乐。 三、学习目标: 1.Listen and read the text at least twice. 2.Use “what do you want to eat/drink and I want...to order food. 3.Make a restaurant menu in groups and role play with your partners. 四、重难点: 重点:What do you want to eat What do you want to drink .句型 难点:运用所学语言进行点餐。 五、分目标及评价标准 1.Watch the video and listen to activity1 2.Watch the video and answer question 3.Listen to the text and answer questions 4.Read the text and answer questions. 5.Practise your oral English.(use the sentence pattern) 6.Make a restaurant menu and role play 六、教师活动 Step1:Let’s enjoy a video and think about a question.What does Simon want We know that Simon wants a hot dog, and our friend Lingling are talking about food. So where are they now Let’s watch another video. Step2:Watch the video and think about the question:Where are they now Step3:Listen to the text and finish the following questions. If it’s wrong, please correct it.Before listening,please read the questions quickly.Let’s begin. Step4:Read the text by yourself and finish my reading on Page5,pay attention to your handwriting.Please open your book. Step5:Listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.And then practice in groups. Here are three tasks for you.Everyone should do task one,and then choose one of them from two and three. Step6:Imagine you will have a restaurant with your friends, so you should make a restaurant menu and then role play in groups. 七、学生活动 Step1:Enjoy the video and watch carefully.And then answer the question:Simon wants a hot dog with lots and lots of cheese. Step2:Watch the video carefully and then answer the question:They are in a fast food restaurant./They are in a restaurant. Step 3:Listen to the text and finish the following questions. Share the answers in class. ( F )1.Dad wants some noodles and milk.(a cola) ( F )2.Lingling wants a hamburger and a cola.(milk) ( T ) 3.They want a hamburger,noodles,milk,and cola. Step4:Open the books and read the text and then finish the following questions. 1.Dad wants (want ) noodles and a cola. 2.Lingling wants (want)___to eat__(eat)__a hamburger. and she also wants (want) to drink (drink) milk. Step5:Listen and imitate. Read after the tape and correct the pronunciation.And then read the text by ourselves twice.Task2:Act out the dialogue in groups and you can create .Task3: . Step6:All of the gr ... ...

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