
译林版七年级英语上册Unit 7 Shopping第5课时教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:99次 大小:30641Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 Shopping Integrated skills 教学目标 1. 掌握本节课重点词汇及短语:T-shirt, poor, area, most, pocket, pair, size, fit, expensive, another, price, fit, large, pocket money, a pair of, try on 2. 掌握本节课重点句型: What’s your size They fit very well Would you like to help the children in some poor areas They need ... most. We can use our pocket money to ... 3. 通过听,获取Simon和妈妈的购物信息,以及为贫困地区孩子购买物品的信息。 4. 能够编写与购物场景相关的对话。 5. 有节约的购物观念,有大爱之心帮助贫困孩子。 二、教学重点及难点 重点: 1. 指导学生在听中获取Simon和妈妈的购物信息,以及为贫困地区孩子购买物品的信息。 2. 引导编写与购物场景相关的对话。 难点:引导学生感悟贫困地区的孩子的贫苦,并能够做力所能及的事帮助贫困地区的孩子。 三、教学过程 Task A Step 1 Warming-up Guide Ss to have a free talk. How do you use your pocket money 【设计意图】通过自由讨论,激活学生思维,导入听力活动的主题。 Step 2 Pre-listening Show the four students and guide Ss to guess how they use their money and tell the reasons. 【设计意图】通过听前预测,帮助学生聚焦话题,并复习相关表达,为听力活动做准备。 Step 3 While-listening 1. Guide Ss to listen and match each student with the correct object. 2. Guide Ss to listen and complete the form. 【设计意图】通过听获取Simon以及朋友要买的东西以及原因,帮助学生注意核心信息和语言,聚焦主题意义的探究。 Step 4 Post-listening 1. Guide Ss to complete the letter. 【设计意图】通过补全信件的活动,帮助学生深化对听力内容的理解。 2. Guide Ss to discuss in groups and then share their ideas with the whole class. 【设计意图】通过讨论活动,引发学生思考帮助他人所带来的价值。 Task B Step 1 Pre-listening Guide Ss to have a brainstorm. What aspects should we consider when buying shoes 【设计意图】通过头脑风暴活动,激活学生思维,导入听力对话的主题。 Step 2 While-listening 1. Guide Ss to listen and answer questions. (1) What size are Simon’s feet (2) How much does the pair of shoes cost (3) What does Simon’s mum think of the shoes 2. Guide Ss to listen and fill in the blanks. 【设计意图】通过回答问题及填空的活动,培养学生获取听力对话中细节信息的能力。 Step 3 Post-listening 1. Guide Ss to listen, read and role-play the conversation. 【设计意图】通过听、读并表演对话,帮助学生纠正发音,训练口语能力。 2. Guide Ss to think and match to complete the conversation. 【设计意图】通过补全对话的练习,帮助学生巩固跟购物相关的句型。 3. Guide Ss to work in groups of three and talk about the items in the table. 【设计意图】通过编写新对话的活动,帮助学生内化跟购物相关的句型,培养口语输出能力。 Step 4 Summary Summarize what they’ve learnt in this lesson. Step 5 Homework 1. Read and recite the conversation in Part B1. 2. Preview Study skills. 【设计意图】通过背诵对话,积累语言素材,通过预习,为下节课的学习做好准备。 四、板书设计 Unit 7 Shopping Integrated skills Key words & phrases: T-shirt, poor, area, most, pocket, pair, size, fit, expensive, another, price, fit, large, pocket money, a pair of, try on Key sentences: 1. What’s your size 2. They fit very well. 3. Would ... ...

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