
剑桥新思维英语English in Mind Second edition Unit4 Making Friends Lesson 3 课件(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:70189892Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) English in Mind Second edition Unit4 Making Friends Lesson3 04 Photostory Pete Jess Debbie Pete Jess Jess 04 Photostory What about to be honest on the other hand I didn’t mean to Never mind 04 Photostory 04 Photostory Let’s watch the video! 05 Write write an email 05 Write Option 1 05 Write Option 2 Answers 1 She went to London. 2 She went bowling, shopping in Oxford Street and to an Italian restaurant. 3 Some photos of her holiday in California. 05 Write Option 2 05 Write 05 Write Assessment Content Tense Layout/Structure Discourse management Length Summary TOPIC: Making friends TEXTS Reading and Listening: a text about the friendship between two table tennis players Listening: a story about four people in a TV programme Writing: an email to a friend about last weekend LANGUAGE Grammar: Past simple (regular and irregular verbs; questions and short answers) Vocabulary: Past time expressions, sports; Everyday English; Vocabulary bank: sports equipment and places SPEAKING & FUNCTIONS Talking about past activities Talking about how long ago things happened

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