
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 3 The art of painting Grammar and usage教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:19次 大小:41984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 The art of painting Grammar and Usage教学设计 科目:英语 课题:Grammar and Usage 课时:1课时 教学目标与核心素养: 知识目标:在语境中学习和理解动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语。 能力目标:培养学生语言运用的能力。 情感目标:获取更多的语境信息,加深对主题意义的理解。 教学重难点 教学重点:动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语的功能及具体用法。 教学难点:在日常生活中能够灵活运用动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语。 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: 一、Pre-reading 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in 教师活动:学生阅读A篇文章并完成下面表格: Verb-ing forms as predicatives It was surprising then. . .It might sound shocking. . . Verb-ed forms as predicatives …, I was amazed to see all the paintings.… but they seemed more interested in taking photos and recording videos of artworks than appreciating them with their own eyes.…, I was determined to keep my smartphone in my bag and appreciate each individual painting with the best camera in the world: my own eyes. 教师活动:让学生完成P34“Working out the rules” ·When used as the predicative, the verb-ing or verb-ed form is connected to the subject by a (1) _____. ·The (2) _____ form is often used to describe a thing or a situation; the (3) _____ form is often used to describe how a person feels. 参考答案:(1) linking verb (2) Verb-ing (3) Verb-ed 2、 While-class 教师活动:介绍动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语的规则和用法。 学生活动:学生看第95页语法,了解本节课重点语法知识点。 动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语 一、动词-ing形式作表语 1.动词-ing形式作表语有时相当于形容词,用于说明主语的特征或性质,意为“令人……的”。 The result of the accident is shocking. 这一事故的后果令人震惊。 The argument is very convincing. 这一论据很有说服力。 2.动词-ing形式作表语有时相当于名词,用于说明主语的内容,两者可互换。 What I am tired of is waiting here alone. (=Waiting here alone is what I am tired of.) 我讨厌独自在这里等。 My job is teaching you English. (= Teaching you English is my job.) 我的工作是教你们英语。 二、动词-ed形式作表语 过去分词作表语,多表示主语所处的状态或所具备的特征,多位于系动词之后。这些系动词有 be,remain,feel,seem,look,become等。 The door remained locked. 门仍然锁着。 I'm very interested in your story. 我对你的故事很感兴趣。 三、动词-ing形式与动词-ed形式作表语的区别 英语中有很多与感觉有关的及物动词,其动词-ing形式通常意为“令人……的”,多用来形容物;其动词-ed形式通常意为“感到……的”,多用来形容人、人的声音或表情等。 注意: 动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式作表语时其动词色彩常常被淡化,后面通常不能跟宾语,但可以用 very,greatly 等表示程度的副词对其进行修饰。如: The football match was very exciting. 那场足球赛很激动人心。 She is greatly pleased with the results. 她对结果非常满意。 教师活动:让学生用动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式补全下列句子: (1) The art show in town next week sounds _____ (appeal). (2) The old man was _____ (amaze) by the paintings on show. (3) I find the soft colours in this painting very _____ (relax). (4) The public were _____ (please) that they would have free access to these exhibitions. (5) T ... ...

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