
译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Exploring poetry Section C Integrated Skills 教案-

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:29次 大小:46592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Exploring poetry Integrated Skills教学设计 科目:英语 课题:Integrated Skills 课时:1课时 教学目标与核心素养: 知识目标:理解诗歌The Road Not Taken的主题, 了解作者的写作风格,学会写诗歌评论 能力目标:能够说出写诗歌评论时的结构和语言 情感目标:能够欣赏诗歌,感受诗歌中作者所表达的情感,并将自己的经历与诗歌相联系 教学重难点: 教学重点:高效整合分析关于文本诗歌的各种信息,掌握写诗歌评论的技巧 教学难点:提高学生的自评和互相评价的能力 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: 一、Pre-writing 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in 教师活动:(1)教师展示一张图片,图片中是一片森林和两条路,教师通过问学生问题进入本课主题: While you have no idea where either of them will lead you to, tell me which road you will take and explain why. (2)教师让学生欣赏诗歌。学生大声朗读诗歌。老师可以问学生一下问题帮助学生理解诗歌: (1) What did the writer do when he faced the two roads and what might be his feeling He looked at them one after another as far as he could and felt undecided which to take. (2)Which road did the writer take finally and what did he think of his choice He took the less travelled road even though he was uncertain whether he had made the right choice. (3) What do you think the two roads in the poem symbolize The road itself symbolizes the journey of life, while the image of the road forking off into two paths symbolizes the choices and opportunities we are presented with, and which ultimately lead us into the unknown future that lies ahead of us. 学生活动:学生观看视频完成活动B1 B2。 B1: (1) What is Robert Frost’s writing style like _____ (2) When was “The Road Not Taken” first published _____ (3) What does the image of the two roads stand for _____ (4) What was the difficult path the poet took _____ B2: About the poem The story behind the poem The poem was inspired by Frost’s (4) __long walks___ in the countryside with Edward Thomas. Thomas often spent a long time choosing which path to take and afterwards, he would complain that he had picked (5) __the wrong one___. How to understand the poem When faced with two paths, people have no choice but to make a decision and see what will happen. Many people assume that the poet encourages the reader to take (6) ___the difficult path_ through life. You can have your own understanding of the poem. 2、 While-writing 1.学生活动:完成C部分的活动,教师让学生背诵诗歌当中的一小部分,组织学生两人一组对诗歌做出讨论。学生可以参考C部分给出的一些表达。 a) What message do you think the poem is trying to get across to readers "The Road Not Taken" suddenly presents the poet and the reader with a dilemma. The central message is that, in life, we are often presented with choices. When making a choice, one is required to make a decision. Viewing a choice as a fork in a path, it becomes clear that we can only choose one direction or another, but not both. Any person who has made a decisive choice will agree that it is human nature to contemplate the “What if ...” of the choice you did not make. But who knows what the fut ... ...

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