
【新课标】Unit6 Family life第三课时 同步练习

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:2490927Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 Family life第三课时同步练习 基础巩固 一、英汉互译。 1.讲故事____tell a story_____ 2.light_____灯_____ 3.飞机模型__model plane_____ 4.turn off___关掉_____ 5.生活___life_____ 6.kitchen__厨房_____ 二、判断下列画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。 (1)A. Brian B.bread C. cream F (2)A. crayon B.cry C. cross T (3)A. bring B. brink C. bride T (4)A. crime B.crown C. bright F 能力提升 三、阅读短文,选择正确答案 It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen. She is making apple pies. The pies are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste Mr. Brown isn’t in the living room. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue She is in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching The Animal World. 1. There are ____ people in Mr Brown's family. A. six B. four C. two D. three 2. Mrs Brown is ____. A. tasting the apple pies B. watching TV C. cooking D. eating a cake 3. Mr Brown looks after ____ very well. A. Mrs Brown B. his daughter C. his family D. his car 4. Who are playing outside A. Mrs Brown and Sue. B. Some boys. C. Sue and Ann. D. Some girls. 5. Sue and Ann are ____. A. watching TV in the living room B. playing football in the open air C. watching TV in Sue's room D. playing in Ann's room 四、书面表达。 请以“My life at the weekend”为题,写一写自己周末的生活情景。(要求:语句通顺, 条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话) My life at the weekend I am very busy on weekdays.I have to get up early at about 6:00 in the morning.Then I go to school by bike.I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.Then I play table tennis for about an hour after school.After dinner I do my homework and sometimes I surf the internet and read books.I usually go to school at 9:30. 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 Family life第三课时 同步练习 基础巩固 一、英汉互译。 1.讲故事_____ 2.light_____ 3.飞机模型_____ 4.turn off_____ 5.生活_____ 6.kitchen_____ 二、判断下列画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。 (1)A. Brian B.bread C. cream (2)A. crayon B.cry C. cross (3)A. bring B. brink C. bride (4)A. crime B.crown C. bright 能力提升 三、阅读短文,选择正确答案 It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen. She is making apple pies. The pies are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste Mr. Brown isn’t in the living room. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue She is in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching The Animal World. 1. There are ____ people in Mr Brown's family. A. six B. four C. two D. three 2. Mrs Brown is ____. A. tasting the apple pies B. watching TV C. cooking D. eating a cake ... ...

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