
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage life Part 1 Listening and Speaking课后提升练 (含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:49次 大小:18494Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 TEENAGE LIFE Part 1 Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 课后提升练 I.阅读理解 A ( 湖北黄冈中学高一期末) I can well remember the pain. My stomach was sick, my heart hurt, and my eyes were painful from holding back tears. “You know, Annie,” my friend John said. “Joanna and Andrea were just talking about you.” I immediately got nervous. “They said that the only reason you start on the basketball team is that the coach likes you. It’s not that you’re good.” I thought I might be sick. “They said they’re tired of you always getting what you want.” I struggled to keep myself from crying, sinking to my knees on the cold floor. After John told me everything my supposed best friends said about me, I was hurt. Joanna and Andrea came in, acting as if nothing had happened. Joanna was still my deskmate, and Andrea was still my partner for our history project. I was amazed at their abilities to pretend we had perfect friendship, especially since they’d said such hurtful things. I was a freshman in high school, and I felt like I didn’t have a friend in the world, all because of gossip. The tongue can be our worst enemy. Gossips harm confidence and separate close friends. They are like sharp knives, cutting one’s self-respect into pieces. When we say unkind things about others, we’re sticking knives into their hearts. So how was I to act next When Joanna and Andrea pretended our friendship hadn’t changed, I thought of attacking them back. But instead, I told them directly that they had hurt me. Joanna started crying and Andrea was speechless. I knew they were both sorry for what they had said. They apologized, and I forgave them. Sure, things were a little embarrassing at first, but soon enough everything was back to the way it had been before. I still deal with gossip, sometimes as a receiver and sometimes as a sharer. But the more I learn about the friendship, the more I realize the importance of tolerating others—something gossip never does. 1. From the second paragraph, we can conclude that Joanna and Andrea _____. A. were grateful that the writer was their friend B. did not think the writer was the coach’s favorite C. were unhappy about the writer being on the team D. made fun of the writer’s basketball performances 2. How did the writer deal with her friends’ comments about her A. She decided to fight back immediately. B. She pretended that nothing had happened. C. She found it uncomfortable to speak to them. D. She told them how she felt about their words. 3. The writer’s reaction to gossip is _____. A. unconcerned B. positive C. negative D. unclear B ( 四川棠湖中学高一上期末,★★) If you move to a new school, you’ll have to worry about whether or not you’ll make friends. Here are some simple suggestions which help you make new friends easily Try speaking to the people next to you in class. As they’re close by, it makes sense to communicate with them first. Have courage to speak to everyone in your class. You w ... ...

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