
人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome Unit Part 3 Reading for Writing 课后提升练 (有答案,无听力题)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:26次 大小:19822Byte 来源:二一课件通
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WELCOME UNIT Part 3 Reading for Writing & Building UP Your Vocabulary 课后提升练 I.阅读理解 A (2018浙江湖州期中,★★) At first sight, Ronny looked like every other kid in the first-grade classroom. Broken shoes, a little bit of dirt behind his ear. On closer inspection, though, the dirt on. Ronny’s face told me he didn’t get dirty at school. I worked with all the students on one-on-one basis to improve their reading skills. Each day, Ronny’s eyes followed me as I set up in a corner, “Pick me!” When it was Ronny’s turn, he’d run room immediately. He tried to sound “Bud the Sub.” It sounded more like “Baw Daw Saw” when he said it because of his speech impediment. At the end of this year, I gave him a book as an award for his improvement in reading. Tears rolled down his face, together with the dirt as he held the book tightly to his chest. A few days later, I noticed Ronny on his seat, the book open on top of his legs. I could see his lips move as he read to himself. His teacher appeared beside me. “He hasn’t put that book down. He wears it like a shirt, close to his heart. Did you know that’s the first book he’s ever actually had ” Fighting back tears, I got closer to Ronny and asked, “Will you read me your book, Ronny ” He looked up. And then, for the next few minutes, he read to me with more expression and confidence than I’d ever thought possible from him. The pages were already dog-eared, like the book had been read thousands of times already. When he finished reading, Ronny closed his book and said with great pleasure, “Good book.” 1. The underlined word “impediment” in Paragraph 2 has the closest meaning to “_____”. A. skill B. gift C. voice D. problem 2. Ronny cried when getting the book because he _____. A. got the very book he had been looking for B. felt sorry for his slow progress in reading C. was very happy to have book of his own D. got a gift from his teacher for the first time 3. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage A. Ronny and I B. Ronny’s Book C. Ronny’s Reading Skills D. Ronny’s School Life B While most high school students spend most of their time worrying about who likes who, and different relationships between their classmates, I choose to focus on my school lessons and sports. When I was young, my mother encouraged me to develop and keep friendship with boys in order to build strong relationships. But she told me not to risk a good friendship with a boy with the title of boyfriend. It’s indeed a wise choice to stay friends with those of the opposite sex. In my opinion, even though some high school relationships might continue after graduation, the probability of them lasting much longer is so slim that there really is not a point to it. Firstly you have to think about such a question— whether it is possible to hurt both of you, or even hurt both of your future husbands or wives. My second point is that you can still date if you hope marriage could possibly follow. E ... ...

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