
【核心素养目标】Unit 6 Healthy diet 第2课时Reading II & Listening教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:69次 大小:2047488Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Healthy diet 单元 Unit 6 学科 英语 年级 九 教材分析 This teaching period mainly deal with reading comprehension and listening. Students are expected to master some reading skills, such as scanning for the details. Students are also expected to master how to get key information in the process of listening. 学习目标与核心素养 1. Knowledge objectives: ①Go deep into and learn the structure of the main reading text. ②Enable students to master some important language points . 2. Skill objectives: ① Be able to further understand what a balanced diet is through in-depth reading. ② How to arrange food reasonably.3. Emotional objectives: Develop reasonable eating habits and achieve a balanced diet.4. Thinking quality objectives: Learn about the history and interesting stories of food. 重点 Understand what a balanced diet is through in-depth reading . 难点 Understand and retell the text. 牛津深圳·广州版英语九年级上册第2课时教学设计 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Review the text.Let Ss finish the exercise about the text. Review the text.Finish the exercise about the text. To arouse students’ attention and lead them to get into the topic of this lesson. 讲授新课 ReadingLead Ss to listen to the tap and read the story.Reading Task1. Read lines 2 to 6. Then answer the question. 2. Read the para 7-10 and answer the questions. 3. Read the para 11-15 and answer the question.What is a balanced diet 4. Read the line 16-30 and what Samuel has for breakfast/lunch.. 5. Read the line 26 to 30 again and answer the questions.6. Let’s do.Post-readingRetell the text with the help of the mind-map.Discuss: *Do you have a balanced diet Complete the questionnaire below to see whether you have a healthy eating habit.Summarize the key words and phrases.ListeningLead inLet students share the report on their eating habit.Talk about some interesting stories about food.Pre-listeningLead Ss to read the topic on P86.Before listening, go through the listening material and guess what you are going to listen to.While-listeningLet Ss listen to a radio programme twice and then finish the exercise on P86.Check the answers.Post-listeningGive Ss the tape sript. And lead find out some useful expressions of making orders. Listen to the tape again and finish the exercise.In pairs, make conversation according to the given situations.Summary Listen to the tap and read the story.Read the story again and answer the question: Whose diet do you think is healthy why Read the para 7-10 and answer the questions. Read the para 11-15 and answer the question.Check the answers.Read the line 16-30 and what Samuel has for breakfast/lunch..And answer the questions. Check the answer.Read the line 26 to 30 again and answer the questions.Finish some exercise.and check the answers.Retell the story and show in class.In groups, discuss the question.Share the ideas with other groups.Share the report on their eating habit.Talk about some interesting stories ... ...

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