
2022-2023学年高中英语开学第一课English lesson课件(29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:64343182Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome To High School 高一英语 Lesson One 开学第一课 The first lesson of high school English Welcome to Class X Welcome to XXXX School! Good morning, everyone! 前———preface First class begins Nice to meet all of you here! I’m Ms XXX ! CONTENT 01 Breaking the ice 破冰 目 录 02 Beliving the choice相信选择 03 Seeing the reality 看看现实 04 Finding the support 寻求支持 05 Starting the journey 开始旅程 01 Let’s break the ice by knowing about me & you 2. I keep a dog and a cat as my pets. 1. I like comedy(喜剧) movie. 3 truths and 1 lie about me 4. I once joined in a student activity in the USA. 3. I have a lovely child. lie! Step 1 Write down 4 things about yourself (3 truths and 1 lie). 3 truths and 1 lie about you Step 2 4 students a group In your group,share what you write and others guess which are truths and lie. Step 3 Which truths of your group members do surprise or interest you most share with whole class. 02 Let’s believe the choice by talking about English Love me, love my dog. You are a lucky dog. Every dog has its day. It is raining cats and dogs. 爱屋及乌。 你真是个幸运儿。 风水轮流转(凡人皆有得意时)。 正下着倾盆大雨。 Why should we learn English Because it is fun. Why should we learn English Because it is important. 职业角度 学习角度 生活角度 很多工作岗位要求应聘者有较好的英语基础,尤其是说写能力,国内大学这么多年还存在英语四六级考试也能从侧面说明英语在现阶段的重要性。 去更多的国家,看更广阔的风景,交更契合的朋友,了解更多元的文化。 学好英语能够更好地帮助你学好其他东西,比如写代码、编程序。很多快捷键都有对应的英语单词,认识单词就能秒记下来。学好英语还可以帮助你更便捷地在外网查资料、看教程。 好莱坞电影还没上映的时候,可以提前看看预告片,避免“踩雷”。听歌也是一样,有些英文歌很好听,但总要知道唱的是什么吧,这样还能学着哼唱几句。 娱乐角度 To enter a university of Project 211 or Project 985, you need to get in the college entrance exam. To enter a key university, you need to get in the college entrance exam. 135+ 125+ Why should we learn English Because it is important. 03 Let’s see the reality by knowing about the senior study 高考形势 阅读 高考题型 (150分) 完形填空 语法填空 听力 写作 50分 30分 15分 40分 15分 以“新高考I卷”为例 阅读理解37.5+七选五12.5 应用文15+读后续写25 1.词汇量不同。初中:1600-1800个单词,200-300个短语; 高中:3000-3500个单词,400-500个短语。 2.语法不同。初中:浅显零碎的基础语法; 高中:更系统复杂,要求学习更高层次的语法。 docerID:4610637 知识难度和广度都突然增加,完全超出了自己的想象 高中和初中英语的差异 The Differences 3.阅读理解难度不同。初中:多是从文中能直接找到答案的事实题; 高中:篇目长,长难句多,对思维能力要求高(推理判断、篇章大意及结构把握) 4.写作要求不同。初中:以记叙文写作为主; 高中:记叙文、应用文、说明文和议论文,新高考增加读后续写。 Junior School:Learn by following the teacher. Learn--recite(背诵)--remember--exam Senior School:Learn by following the teacher and learn by yourself. Learn--think--understand--use--remember--ex ... ...

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