
人教版(2019)Welcome unit 开学第一课the first lesson课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:93次 大小:7043019Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The First Lesson Congratulations to You! Welcome to Our School! Self-introduction 2 truths and 1 lie 2. I am a postgraduate. 3. I have one lovely son. 1. I am 25 years old. Lie! There are many professional teachers and friendly classmates in our school. They will accompany you in your study and life. Hope you can enjoy life here. About you Let’s play a game to get to know each other. 陪伴 vt. 专业的 adj. what fruit do you like Game rule: The first student says a piece of fruit he/ she likes; The next student adds his/ her fruit after repeating the previous fruits. Student who can’t remember all the fruits correctly will say two facts and one lie. eg:A: I like apple. B: I like apple and banana. C: I like apple, banana and pear. D: I like apple, banana, pear and … About you 目录 1 为什么要学英语? 2 高中英语有哪些内容? 3 怎么学好英语? 4 英语课堂要求 45 countries Take English as official languages English is the most widely used language in the world. It is one of the working languages at the United Nations. It is used in education, science, medicine and other fields. And now one third of the people in the world can speak English. why we learn English? 1 无法想象,没有您的英语启蒙,在一片闭塞中,我怎么能够用英语阅读世界上最先进的科学文献; 用超越那个时代的视野,去寻访遗传学大师孟德尔和摩尔根? ———袁隆平 I cannot imagine how I can read the world’s most advanced scientific literature in English without your English enlightenment. With a vision beyond its time, I can learn from genetics masters Mendel and Morgan 英语是向世界表达个人诉求的工具 面对不公 跨洋对话 予以反击 捍卫尊严 能熟练运用英语,是一件多么了不起的事! 你们没有资格在中国的面前说 你们从实力的地位出发同中国谈话 English is a tool, a window and a weapon for us to communicate with the world and to earn respect. why we learn English 1 The importance of learning English English a tool /bridge Science and technology culture customs Trade/ transportation travelling Further study well-paid job I. Differences between senior and junior period Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点 Challenge 1: Large vocabulary– about 3000 to 3500words 1. The natural scenery in Mount Tai is beautiful. gorgeous, splendid, magnificent what we learn about English Challenge 1: replace the words 2 2. Water resource is very important for human beings. Challenge 1: replace the words essential, crucial, indispensable English vocabulary in senior high is larger – about 3000 to 3500 words what we learn about English 2 我们知道賢鏛是在生活中很重要的。比如在鼙蠻和贎鬍里,有彃燊在罅鷄那里蘩墝,之前他们鏈鴊恆闳嘑傡彚槩滼鞷蕻賤鬡艐倏雫寬褲灣。 1. “鞷”在文中的意思? 2.这篇文章的最佳标题? 3.作者没有告诉我们什么? 4.作者为什么说“恆闳嘑傡彚槩”? 不背单词,考英语就会是下面这种下场: 1个单词在不同的语境中出现7次才能被记住!甚至更多 高中英语学习必备知识 1). 语音--“单词拼读”规则 3). “三种句子结构”& “长难句”概念 2). “五大基本句型”& “句子成 ... ...

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