
初中语文开学第一课 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:语文 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:1006048Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 初中生活 从真正的语文学习开始 本讲重难点: 语文学得好吗? 喜欢学语文吗? 学语文有用吗? 小调查:提到语文马上想到的三个词是什么? 印度前总理尼赫鲁对女儿说: “世界上有一个伟大的国家,她的每个字都是一首优美的诗,一幅美丽的画,你要好好学习。” 汉语是如此魅力...... You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【普通版】 你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞...... 你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影...... 你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子...... 你说你也爱我,而我却为此烦忧。 You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【文艺版】 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。 You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【诗经版】 子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。 You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【七言绝句版】 恋雨却怕绣衣湿,喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关,叫奴如何心付伊。 You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【女汉子版】 你有本事爱雨天,你别打伞啊! 你有本事爱阳光,你别乘凉啊!! 你有本事爱吹风,你别关窗啊!!! 你有本事说爱我,你别骗我啊!!!! You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too... 【七律压轴版】 江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。 夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。 霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。 怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流连拆鸳鸯。 为什么要学语文? 学习方式的转变 小学:形成一种良好的学习习惯 初中:形成一种良好的思维习惯 高 ... ...

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