
人教PEP版四年级英语上册 Recycle 2 第1课时 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:12925097Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2 0 2 2 2022秋人教PEP英语四年级上册 Recycle 2 第 1 课时 Read aloud Listen and number the rooms Look , listen and write 知识预习清单 复习教材第四单元至第六单元语言话题并查阅以下问题的信息。 1. Are there any festivals in western countries in the end of December 2. What festival it is 3. What do people do, say and eat during this festival Warming up Free talk What are the pictures about Warming up Free talk Christmas Day 音节划分:Christ-和-mas 注:单词Christmas中,字母“t”不发音。 Free talk What do you know about Christmas Day Warming up turkey / t ki/ sleigh /sle / Let’s enjoy Warming up Christmas wish Father Christmas is coming. I’d like a new bike, Father Christmas. A nice bike for me, please, Father Christmas. Use your sleigh, e to my home, please. Oh, it’s 11:00 now. You are late, Santa. Presentation It’s December 24th. There is a Christmas dinner in Mike’s home. Who are they Look and answer John and Chen Jie. Presentation Where are the guests in Mike’s home They are in the living room first. Then they are in the kitchen. Presentation Read and answer What do they see in the living room A Christmas tree. Presentation Read and answer What do they say about the tree Wow! It’s beautiful! 认读“Wow! It’s beautiful!”,理解人物心情,带动作模拟人物语气朗读。 Presentation Read and answer What do they see in the pictures Mike’s mother and father/Father Christmas. Presentation Read and answer What do they say to Mike’s father and mother Merry Christmas! Nice to meet you. 请同学们认读语句后加上动作模仿朗读: “Merry Christmas! Nice to meet you.” Presentation Read and answer Now I’m Mike’s mum. Welcome to my home for diner. What’s my job Do you know You are a nurse. 老师会戴上Mike妈妈的头饰,请同学们认读故事的语句后回答老师的问题。 认读单词 Presentation nurse turkey 字母组合“ur” ur / / Read and answer Presentation Read and answer What would you like I’d like some… Would you some turkey Yes, please./No, thanks. Presentation Read and answer Would Chen Jie like some turkey Yes, she’d like some turkey. Can you see turkey on the table He’d like some juice. What would John like Read aloud Presentation 观看完整的视频,逐句跟读。 Now let’s watch and read after the video. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Practice Act it out There are several people in the story. Which one do you want to be Choose one of them and play in role. 下面老师会将同学们分组,然后同学们分场景(场景一:图1;场景二:图2、3、4;场景三:图5、6)表演故事,同学们可以选择自己喜欢的人物。 Look and answer Practice Oh, it’s Christmas Eve. Mike’s family are asleep. How many rooms can you see in Mike’s home What are they I can see six rooms in Mike’s home. They are living room, kitchen, bathroom, study, Mike’s bedroom and his parents’ bedroom. Where is Mike Where is Mike’s mum Mike is in his bedroom. Mike’s mum is in her bedroom. Where is the Christmas tree It’s in the living room. Practice 5 ... ...

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