
译林版(2019)必修第一册: Unit 3 Getting along with others Reading 课件(22张ppt)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:91次 大小:5812024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Getting along with others Do you know who they are Reading Read the title and think. What could “on the rocks” in the title possibly mean Pre-reading What could “on the rocks” in the title possibly mean In danger or in trouble skim and answer the following questions. 1. Whose friendship is on the rocks 2. Has anyone given any advice 3. Where can you find the article Skimming: While-reading Skimming: thinks her friend Jenny _____ her. give advice who lied to like button comment button online forum exchange social media Skimming: where Scanning: Part 1. Friendship on the rocks 1. What happened between Amy and Jenny Before Sat. morning Sat. afternoon Monday Now 2. How have Amy's feelings changed _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Scanning: 1. What happened between Amy and Jenny Monday Sat morning Sat afternoon Jenny said she was ill and might not be able to make it to the cinema. Jenny was out having fun with someone else. Amy received a horrible surprise. Amy thought Jenny lied to her. She avoided Jenny and ignored her online messages. Before Now Amy and Jenny have been close friends for eight years. The stress of the situation is killing her. She is at a loss what to do next. Scanning: 2. How has Amy's feelings changed Monday Sat morning Sat afternoon Jenny said she was ill and might not be able to make it to the cinema. Jenny was out having fun with someone else. Amy received a horrible surprise. Amy thought Jenny lied to her. She avoided Jenny and ignored her online messages. Before Now Amy and Jenny have been close friends for eight years. The stress of the situation is killing her. She is at a loss what to do next. happy worried shocked angry angry heartbroken stressed confused Scanning: Part 2. Please advise! What are the pieces of advice from Cindy and David Why do they think so 1. What are the pieces of advice from Cindy and David 2. Why do they think so save the friendship rethink the friendship This friendship is worth saving. It’s time to rethink the relationship. Have a talk with her friend. Whose advice do you prefer Why What helpful advice can you offer Amy Differences Similarities Differences Discussion I would take Cindy's advice. It will be a bit quick to say goodbye to an eight-year friendship with my best friend simply because of a misunderstanding. I am sure she would give me a reasonable explanation. After a heart-to-heart talk, I believe Amy and her friend will be what they were before. Whose advice do you prefer Why What helpful advice can you offer Amy Keep calm; Have an honest communication; Try to understand the situation from her friend’s point of view; Put herself in her friend’s shoes; Solve the problem together; ... What lessons can we learn to maintain our friendship 1. Jenny lied to Amy, so Amy was heartbroken. Lesson 1._____ 2. Amy avoided Jenny, but it was not a good way to solve her problem. Lesson 2._____ 3. Friends come and go in life. Not every ... ...

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