
牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级上册Module 3 Leisure time Unit 6 Healthy diet同步讲练+单元检测(无答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:99次 大小:70122Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022-2023年广州牛津版九年级上U6 单元同步讲练 +单元检测 Unit 6 Healthy diet(一) 重点精讲精练 词汇 精讲 Learn to express preferences. (P81) I’d prefer a glass of orange juice.(P90) I’d rather have a bowl of chicken noodles.(p90) express: express one’s feelings/opinions → n._____ ②.preference: have a preference for sth 偏爱。。。,喜爱。。。 prefer 更喜欢,偏好 -- (_____ , _____) prefer to do 更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth. (to doing sth.) 比起做 。。。 更喜欢。。。 prefer sth. to. sth. 比起 更喜欢。。。 prefer to do sth rather than do sth: _____ 2.Where does the conversation take place (P82)对话发生在哪里? take place 与happen: happen 为常用词。用于表明偶然发生的,没有预料到的事情。 take place 为稍正式用语。用于表明按照计划,安排发生的事件。除“发生”外, 常常翻译为“进行、举行、开展” 拓展: happen to sb. _____ happen to do sth. _____ 练一练:用take place 与happen 的适当形式填空: 1.Maybe something unexpected . 2.I happened (see) him on my way home. 3.The sports meeting on next Friday. 3.What’s a balanced diet (82) ①.balanced:adj. 均衡的 He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet. 他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。 【同根词】balance n. & v. 平衡 【固定搭配】keep balance保持平衡; lose one’s balance 失去平衡 _____ _____ 【练习】 1)It is important to keep (balance)when learning to ride a bike. 2)It is necessary to keep a (balance)diet. 3)写作运用:为了保持生态平衡,人们不应该破坏野生植物。 _____ 4.I’ve decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks.(p82) (1)decide to do sth. 决定做某事,相当于make up one’s mind to do sth. 或make a decision to do sth. (2)stay away from 躲避;远离……;=_____=_____ 例如:我认为青少年应该远离电脑游戏。 翻译:_____ fried food: _____ soft drinks:_____ 5....since I had my medical examination.(p82) medical:adj. 医疗的 medical examination: 医疗检查 【同根词】medicine n. 药 【固定搭配】take medicine吃药;服药 做完医疗检查后,医生说她必须休息,并且每天要吃两次药。 _____ 6.The doctor said that I needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat, oil and sugar. (p82) 医生说我需要通过避免摄入脂肪、油和糖来减轻一点体重。 that 引导的是_____从句。 (1)固定短语lose weight 减肥;瘦身;减轻体重。 增肥:_____ (2)a bit of 意为:一点儿,后接 名词。 a bit +_____ (3)by sth./doing sth: 通过。。。。 不要以貌取人._____ 7.He also stated that it’s necessary for me to have a more balanced diet.(p82) necessary 必需的,必要的=needed → (反义词) 不必要的,非必的 :_____- 仿写:对我们来说,每天按时吃饭是必要的。 _____. state (v.) 说明 → statement (n.)说明 ,陈述 (n.) 状态 The old woman is in a state of poor health. The writer _____(state) his views in his latest book. Robert made a _____(state) to the police about the robbery that he saw. 【应用】用介词of或for 填空 (1)It was stupid _____ me to talk in that way to my mother. (2)It is very important _____ us to master English. 8.Research shows that each day we should have plenty of fruit,vegetables and grain products such as noodles and ... ...

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