
外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Exploring English单元测试01(含答案,无听力音频有文字材料)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:46次 大小:59841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Exploring English 单元测试 答案解析 第一部分 听力材料 (Text 1) M: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight W: I’d rather stay at home and watch television. I have to get up early to attend a meeting tomorrow. (Text 2) M: I need to go out to buy some paper and some notebooks. W: As long as you’re going, could you get me a box of pencils (Text 3) M: Do you like to play volleyball in your spare time W: Yes, but I especially like tennis. What about you M: My favorite sport is basketball. (Text 4) W: Mike, what did Tim say just now M: He said it’d rain this afternoon. W: Really But it’s such a beautiful day. (Text 5) W: What about leaving for the train station at 4:30 pm M: I’m afraid that’ll be too late. W: So when do you think we should leave M: Let’s leave an hour earlier. 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 (Text 6) M: Who is that girl over there, Jenny W: That’s Alisa. Don’t you know her She’s my best friend. M: No. I don’t mean Alisa. I mean the girl to the left of Alisa, the girl taking pictures of the flowers. W: Oh, that’s Sara—Alisa just introduced her to me half an hour ago. She came to Alisa’s class just a week ago. They have to take some photos for their homework, so Alisa brought her here. Would you like to meet her M: Of course. W:Let’s go! I’ll introduce you. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 (Text 7) W: Ted, who are the people in this picture M: Oh, they’re all friends of mine. They came to my birthday party a few years ago. W: How did you get to know them M: Well, this boy, Sam, was in my class. I often helped him with his math, and we became good friends. W: What about this boy M: That’s David. We often played football together, so we became close friends. W: How about the girl in the picture M: That’s my friend Maria. We became friends because we were in the same music club. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 (Text 8) M: You know that new music club I went there just last night. W: Oh yes! Is that the one near the university M: No, it’s on Park Street, next to the cinema. W: Oh, I know that one. Was the music good M: Well, it wasn’t fast enough for me or my friends, but some of the people who were dancing were excellent. W: Can you wear jeans there M: There’s a notice saying “no sports shoes”, but jeans and T shirts are fine. W: How much was it to get in M: Usually a ticket costs ten pounds, but I paid less because the first time you go it’s only seven pounds fifty—and I can get in for five pounds next time if I bring a friend. W:I’ll come! 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 (Text 9) M: Hi, Cathy. Are you busy W: Hi, Jack! No, I’m just reading the newspaper. I’m looking at the lost and found ads. M: Why Did you lose something W: Yes, I lost a book last week. I left it in a restaurant. I’d really like to get it back. M: Where did you leave it W: I left it on a table outside. I was sitting out there last Tuesday, reading my book while I ate lunch. Then I realized I was late for work, so I got up and ran to my office ... ...

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