
广州开心版五上英语 Unit1 Seasons and weather 教案

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:47次 大小:92925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit One Seasons and weather 教学目标: 1.Learn and practice the sentence patterns “What’s the weather like in spring/today ” “It is sunny and hot.” 2.Practice the new words of seasons and weather. 学情分析: Grade five students have basic speaking and reading skills, so the task-based method is the main way to teach Ss. 重点: Master the key sentence pattern and practice. 难点: Learn how to introduce the weather about different seasons. 教具: PPT、Blackboard、Computer、Picture cards 教学过程: Step one: Lead-in Greeting and free talk It is hot today.How do you feel today What’s the weather like today It’s sunny and hot. Step two: Game one - Let’s play hide and seek. I like traveling! Boys and girls, can you guess where am I go in spring/summer/fall/winter And what’s the weather like there (2)ShowSs4pictures:Guangzhou(spring)/Beijing(summer)/Xinjiang(fall)/Harbin(winter) (3)In order to enhance their memory of the key sentence patterns:What’s the weather like in.. It is ___ and ____. Show Ss the picture of Zhuhai, to help them review:Is it ____ in ____ Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. Step Three: Game two - Guess and match. Look at Picture1 Leaves Picture2 Flowers Picture3 Picture1 floor + how + er flower a leaf leaves In order to mention all the new words in the story(Page 8), to let Ss get familiar to the sounds of words. Step Four: Let’s chant! Chant four seasons, to let Ss practice words/sentence patterns and master how to answer the question “What’s the weather like in... ” Recite 4 dialogs. Blackboard design Group Competition Cool 凉爽的 Warm 温暖的 Cold 冷的 Wet 潮湿的 spring fall seasonsss winter summer

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