
Unit 8 Do you have a soccer ball?Period 5 教案

日期:2024-05-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:19次 大小:514048Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 Do you have a soccer ball Period 5 Teaching Aims 一、功能: Talk about ownership. A: Do you have a soccer ball B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. A: Does she have a volleyball B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 二、词汇和常用表达: Learn to use all the sports you know(baseball, soccer, ping-pong bat, volleyball…)and the useful expressions(and, but/ That sounds fun/ It’s interesting…). 三、学习策略: 学会运用信息归类拟定写作提纲,通过小组互助提高写作技巧和能力。 四、文化知识: Sport is the base of life.(生命在于运动) Love life, love sports. Important and Difficult Points Talk about ownership. A: Do you have a soccer ball B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. A: Does she have a volleyball B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Pre-writing activities 1.Revision(话题复习): (1)据图片写出单词: 设计意图:坚持“以生为本,先学后教”的理念,强调学生的参与、体验、感知,落实基本语言点,以学定教,教师根据具体学情适当微调后续环节的教法。学习一般过去时态就要从动词的过去式入手,为后续的环节积累储备词汇。 2.Leading-in(导入): Play a video about soccer. T: Here is a video about a kind of ball. What’s it S1: It’s a soccer. T: I think it’s boring. What about you S2: It’s interesting. T: what about you S3: It’s fun. … Ask more students to talk about it. 3.Talk about some pictures(看图说话): Choose a ball. Say a sentence about it. The teacher gives a model: I have a basketball. It’s easy for me. It’s relaxing. Ask more students to show their opinions. 设计意图:利用精美的图片激发学生练习说话的热情,这种深入浅出的“开场白”,具有承前启后,温故而知新的作用,且有利于中下等学生进入状态,扎实推进。 4.Activity 3a &3b. Write more questions about sports equipment. First, the teacher give a model with a student. A: Do you have a tennis B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have a basketball B: No, I don’t. Then, complete the sentences in 3a according to the conversation above. After 2 minutes, check the answers. Finally, exchange the books with a partner. Ask and answer in pairs. 设计意图:复习相关词汇,引导学生进行写作前的热身活动,并为下一步结构分析做准备。 5.Structure analysis(信息归类结构分析) (1)Put the above expressions to the right place in the chart: Sports Ownership(所属) Conj.(连词) Opinion Check the answers. Have the students to read the chart aloud by themselves. (2)Look at the following disordered sentences, put them into the right order. a.But I like ping-pong. b.I don’t have a soccer. c.Soccer is difficult for me. d.It’s interesting. e.After class, I play it with my classmates. Get the students to collate the sentences individually or in pairs. Then check the answers: B→ C → A → D→ E (3)Now think about this question: How can we put them into the correct order You can answer in English or in Chinese. S1: .... S2: .... S3: .... T: So, in order to put them into the correct order, we must pay attention to key words such as but. 设计意图:本环节设计了两项活动:信息归类和句子重排,旨在引导学生积累写作材 ... ...

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