
Unit5 What do they do? Story time 教案

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:26次 大小:16440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 What do they do? (Story time) Ⅰ. Teaching content 五上 Unit 5 What do they do ( Story time) Ⅱ. Teaching objectives 1.能掌握单词:teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker, nurse, sick,writer; 2.能初步理解并运用句型: What does your father/mother do He’s /She’s a teacher/writer/factory worker… 3.能复述课文并谈论职业。 4.能了解每个职业的特性,尊重每个职业。 Ⅲ. The main and difficult points 1. 学生能熟练运用句型 “ What do/does ...do I’m/He’s/She’s ...”谈论职业。 2. 学生能听懂、会读并有感情地表演故事。 Ⅳ. Teaching procedures Before class : Check the preview 设计意图:小老师课前检查小学生预习,既能检查预习效果,纠正孩子的发音,又能为课堂的顺利开展打好预习基础。同时,让学生了解本课学习目标。 Step1. Warm up Enjoy a song What is the song about Jobs 设计意图:通过歌曲引入,帮助学生集中注意力,开门见山地快速导入本课主题,让学生说出与职业相关的单词,使学生对职业有初步了解。 Remember and say T: In this video, what do they do (教授句型) 设计意图:通过对话,巩固学生关于职业的单词,并初步渗透句型。 Look and say T: Let’s know more jobs. T: Look, Su Hai and Mike are also talking about jobs. They are talking about their parents’ jobs. What do they do (揭题) 设计意图:让学生说出更多职业类单词,拓展孩子的词汇量。 Step 2. Presentation 1.Watch and answer T: What does Mike’s father/mother/Su Hai’s father/mother do Read and underline T: We know their jobs now. Where do they work and what is their daily work Please read and underline. Let’s read Listen and complete 设计意图:通过听、说、读等多种教学手段,针对教学目标分层设置任务,突破本节课 的重难点,提供语言支架,帮助学生更好地思考和展示。学习小贴士的设置,让学生明确活动要求,引导学生自主学习,合作探究,通过 TS 互助,确保了学生课堂学习参与度。 Step 3. Consolidation Let’s retell(根据板书内容进行复述) Think and write Work in pairs T: Please discuss in pairs. Summary Emotion education: People work to make life better. We should respect every job. Step5. Homework 1. Read the story and try to retell it. 2. Talk about your parents’ jobs with your friends. 板书设计 Unit5 What do they do Who job daily work where Mike’s father teacher teaches English at school Mike’s mother writer writes stories at home Su Hai’s father doctor helps sick people in the hospital Su Hai’s mother factory worker makes sweets in a factory

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