
Module 4 Unit 11 Shapes Period 2 教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:29次 大小:31744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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话题:Interesting shapes 教学内容:4A M4 U11 Period 2 Say and act, Review the sounds 教学目标: 语言知识与技能: 1.帮助学生复习形状的单词circle, square, star, triangle, rectangle. 2. 能用How many … are there There is/are … .句型的疑问句询问图形的数量并做出回答 3.复习五个元音字母的开闭音节发音。 4.帮助学生建立图形与生活实物的联系。 过程和方法: 1.通过练习,帮助学生复习元音字母在开闭音节中的发音规律。 2.通过创设圣诞节准备食物的情境及文本再构,帮助学生建立图形与生活实物的联系 情感态度: 通过创设圣诞节准备食物的情境及文本再构,帮助学生建立图形与生活实物的联系,体会图形的乐趣所在。 教学重难点: 重点:学生能熟练运用图形词汇及句型How many.. There is/are…进行问答。 难点: 教学过程: Step1: Pre-task 1. Greetings. 2. Review the sounds. 复习元音字母在开音节及闭音节中的发音。 Step2: While-task 1. 创设圣诞节来临的情境,引出Kitty送给妈妈的贺卡。 复习第一课时的单词及How many… 句型。 2. 总结Shapes are beautiful. 引出本节课的话题Shapes are interesting, too.带出圣诞食物,出示辅助文本: I can see_____. 3. 学生带着问题观看视频: What does Mrs Li make 呈现图2,学生回答问题。 4. 呈现图3:How many biscuits are there There are five biscuits. 图4: Listen and circle : 1. Kitty’s biscuit is a star/ a triangle. 2. Ben’s biscuit is a rectangle/ a square Step3: Post- task 1. 学生仿读课文,角色扮演。 2. 情境:Dad is home. Dad gives them some cakes. 3. Listen and circle: 1.There are nine/ten cakes. 2.Kitty’s cake is a star/ a circle. 3.Ben’s cake is a rectangle/ a triangle. 4. Choose and complete: Christmas is coming. Mrs Li makes some _____ for Ben and Kitty. Look at Ben’s biscuit. It’s a _____. Look at Kitty’s biscuit. It’s a _____. They like the biscuits. Mr Li gives them some _____. Look at Ben’s cake. It’s a _____. Look at Kitty’s cake. It’s a _____. They are nice and sweet. 5. 呈现一些蛋糕饼干图片,Let’s have party. A:Here is/are …for you. B:Thank you. How many … are there A:There is/are… B:Look at my ... It’s a /They’re… (star, circle, …) It’s/ They’re…(beautiful, yummy, interesting, colorful…) I like it/them. 6. 播放一段制作Christmas biscuits 的视频,学生欣赏,总结:Shapes are interesting. Shapes are around us everywhere! 7. 为下节课铺垫: Kitty would like to makes some gifts for her friends. What would she like to make To be continued… Blackboard design: M4 Unit11 Shapes Period 2 Interesting shapes Here are some biscuits for you. Thank you. How many biscuits are there There are five biscuits. Look at my biscuit. It’s a square. I like it.

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