
2013年高中英语 Unit2 Famous People in the Olympics SectionC同步精品课件 重庆大学版必修5

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:147211Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件32张PPT。Section C Listening and Speaking,Writing,Further Reading 课堂互动探究预习多维感知写作专题突破Section C预习多维感知Ⅰ.词语翻译 1.run one’s first race _____ 2.pay for _____ 3.set a record _____ 4.fall down _____ 5.give up _____6.shake hands with _____ 7.make little difference to _____ 8.look after _____ 9.race against _____ 10.in time _____ 答案:1.第一次参加比赛 2.偿还 3.创纪录  4.倒下 5.放弃 6.与某人握手 7.没有影响  8.照看 9.和……赛跑 10.终究,迟早Ⅱ.根据课文“Jesse Owens”选择最佳答案。 1.Owens got his name “Jesse” because_____. A.his teacher mistook “J.C.” for “Jesse” B.his teacher gave him the name C.he wanted to have a new name D.Hitler did not allow him to use his old name2.Owens did not get Hitler’s congratulations because_____. A.he was not enough to be congratulated B.the German athletes did not get gold medals C.he was an African?American D.American and Germany were at war at that time3.From the passage we know that_____. A.Owens hated it that Hitler did not shake hands with him B.the black were equally treated in America at that time C.Owens made a great fortune after the 1936 Olympics D.Owens was one of the best athletes in the world at that time 答案:1~3 ACD课堂互动探究1. race Owens ran his first race at 13.(page 23)观察理解 1) I had a race with him. 2) Thirty cars will race for the prize. 3) He raced the patient to the hospital in his car. 4) The race problem is very serious in the Middle-East.归纳拓展 1) n.比赛,竞赛,赛跑 start a race开始赛跑 win/lose a race赛跑获胜/败北 2) v.比赛,竞赛,赛跑 race for 为得到……而赛跑 race with/against 与……赛跑 3) v.疾走,迅速将……送往某处 4) n.种族,人种现学现用 翻译填空 1)She _____ in the five?mile _____. 她在5英里赛跑中获第一名。 2)The boy _____ the street on his bike. 这个小孩骑自行车在街上疾驰。 答案:1)came first;race 2)raced along2. regard ...and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political...(page 23) 观察理解 1) He was regarded as the best tennis player in the world. 2) My father sends his regards to you.归纳拓展 1) v.把……看做,视为 regard...as...把……看做,视为 2) n.致意,敬意(常用复数形式)现学现用 翻译填空 3)We must_____ this situation _____ very serious. 我们必须正视形势的严重性。 4)Please give my best _____ to your parents. 请带我向你的家人问好。 答案:3)regard;as 4)regards3.congratulate Hitler did not congratulate any of the African?American winners.(page 23) 观察理解 He congratulated us on getting married.归纳拓展 1)v.庆祝,祝贺 congratulate...on...祝贺某人…… 2)n.庆祝,祝贺(常用复数)现学现用 翻译填空 5)I _____ you _____ your success. 我祝贺你取得了成功。 6)I offer you my hearty _____. 我衷心向你表示祝贺。 答案:5)congratulate;on 6) congratulations1.原句展示 He did try,and the results are in the record book. (page 23) 他的确做了尝试,而其结果也被载入史册。句法简析 句中did用于强调谓语动词,其用法是在动词前加do、does、did而将后面的动词改为动词原形。如果强调主语、宾语或状语,则用强 ... ...

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