
Module 2 Unit 6 E-friends课件(共36张ppt)

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:42次 大小:5014016Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 E-friends the first period I have an e-friend in Australia. I’d like to have an e-friend in Canada. -Would you like to have an e-friend in the UK -Yes, I’d like to. -Would you like to have an e-friend in the US -No, I wouldn’t What do you know about these countries Summary: Important points: 1、Australia、Canada 、the UK、 the US 2、I’d like to…. 3、-Would you like to… -Yes, I’d like to. - No, I wouldn’t. Name an e-friend from country Know about Do a survey Class is over. MNV、3 之Nw是 MN 多司22→ 职卯 天 天马行空2429配图 网聊 * * ★ ★ * * 昵图网nipic.com/xulEizmm www.3lian.com 10744878 2 00请 品蝴出 昵图网山w山.Y:一佐 N0:20101028193607265189 ¥ ** ★ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ★ 平¥¥¥举 ★★ ¥¥ ★ 红动中国Redocn.com 编号:85716红动中国(w.redocn.com)zc3oo EPLURIBUS UNUM 然而 Who is Joe's e-friend Who is Jill's e-friend Who can be Kitty's e-friend Match and say. i Amy Marks (Australia) Kitty 0 Denis Smith (the UK) Joe Gary Brown (the US) 重置 白暴风影倍 Listen and say.swf 日X I have some e-friends in different countries.Do you have any e-friends in other countries 量 P 196/861 O K 返回 开始 户H:课件 到六年. 画nit 户H:课 扫Liste.. CH幽 3日21:40

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