
高中英语 Unit 2 Continuous learning Tutorial Centres-reading课件 牛津上海版S2A

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:257168Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件13张PPT。Unit 2 Tutorial centers (Period 2)Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the sentences: is willing to; was forced to; detective; reasonable; command of; communicate with1 She only speaks a little French, but she has a very good _____ English. 2 We can _____ people in most parts of the world by telephone. 3 The price is quite _____. 4 She _____ help others whenever people meet with trouble. 5 A good _____ must be good at finding out truth. 6 She _____ to enrol in a history course by her parents at a tutorial centre. command of communicate with reasonable is willing to detective was forced to Answer the following questions in complete sentences:1 What does Mandy Zhang think of tutorial centres? 2 According to Rex Yang, what are the tutorial centres only interested in? 3 Who forced Simon Lan to attend the tutorial centres? 4 Who gives a balanced opinion on tutorial centres?She thinks that tutorial centres are helpful.The tutorial centres are only interested in making money.His parents forced him to attend the tutorial centre.His parents did.Grace Li gives a balanced opinion on tutorial centres.Grace Li does.Please scan the four letters again and tell whether the following statements are TrueFalse. Correct the false ones if possible: 1 Mandy has studied at a tutorial center for two years. 2 One of Mandy’s teachers was Japanese. 3There are too many students in Rex’s class. 4 Rex’s English teacher was a university student who studied French. (T)(T)(F) The teacher studied physics(F)One of Mandy’s teacher was British. 5 Simon is willing to attend a tutorial centre. 6Though Simon thinks tutorial centres are useless, he has never been absent. 7 After leaving the first tutorial centre, Grace found a better one as a result of her friends’ recommendations. 8 According to Grace, one must do some detective work in order to find a good tutorial centre. (F)(F)(T)Sometimes he goes to a video arcade instead. He has been forced to attend by his parents.(T)Read the letters and try to find some useful information from each letter!Writer: Topic Sentence: Supporting Examples:fees : be _____ teachers : be _____ have a lot of _____ in using English‘My _____ of English has _____ greatly since I started.’Letter 1:Mandy ZhangMandy: learn how to _____ in English with a _____ command improved communicate westerner confidence qualified reasonableLetter 2:Rex Yang ‘In my opinion, it is better to _____ more time on school work than to _____ money at a ‘_____’ tutorial centre.’Writer: Topic Sentence : Supporting Examples: the tutorial centres: be only interested in _____ _____ too many students for each class not want to _____ good teachers the teacher : study _____ could not answer the questions about the use of _____Rex: be _____ spend money-making waste cheated making money accept pay for physics languageLetter 3:Simon Lan‘I do not think it is _____.’‘I think _____ are useless.’ Simon Lan: be _____by his parents _____ in the class read ____ ... ...

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