
高考英语二轮专题复习讲义第四部分写作专题三 第2讲说明文学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:10次 大小:36352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第2讲 说明文 说明文通常会有中心句(多在首段),写作时要注意找出中心句,抓住关键词。对于现象分析型说明文,要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”和“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。根据说明文的不同类型,应主要做到: 针对描写某事物性质功能的说明文,主要找出“对象+性质功能+优缺点” 常用句式:(In the passage)the writer introduces ... (对象)to us,especially its ... (性质或功能), from which we know ... (对象的优缺点) 针对某个问题提出解决办法或者措施的说明文,主要找出“问题+解决办法” 常用句式:The passage tells us ... (问题),including ... (方法1), ... (方法2)and ... (方法3) 针对介绍某现象及其原因和结果的说明文,主要找出“现象+原因+结果/影响” 常用句式:(The author/writer said/talks about)... (现象)of ... ,because/but ... (原因/本质1), and ... (原因/本质2) 过关检测(限时:50分钟) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 One woman's snack break turned sour this week when she reached into a bag of grapes and felt the bite of a poisonous black widow spider. The 21 year old Vermonter survived, but some people who heard her story have since sworn off the fruit. But before you give up grapes forever, there are a few things you should know about the black widow spiders to remove the misunderstandings about them. In fact, they don't want to go home with you. Believe it or not, black widow spiders don't want to live inside your bag of grapes. If you happen to find one of these critters in your grocery bag, they got there by accident. The western black widow spiders are native to grape growing regions in California. They are a common sight in vineyards (葡萄园), where they typically build their large, tangled webs near grape plants. The reason they're in the vineyards is to eat insects and other arthropods. It's not that they want to hang out on your grapes or in your home. They rarely bite humans. Despite their reputation, black widow spiders are not aggressive creatures. They have no reason to bite us unless they're threatened. We pose a much greater threat to them than they do to us. When they do bite, they don't usually kill human beings. The spiders' poisonous bites can kill a mosquito, a fly or even a grasshopper. However, their poison isn't meant to kill you. While these spiders' bites can cause fatalities in humans, they rarely do. Fatalities from black widow bites typically occur among young children, the elderly and those who are extremely ill. They're actually kind of awesome. Once you get over your fear of black widow spiders, you can finally stop to appreciate how cool these creatures really are. And in spite of what her name suggests, the female black widow doesn't always dispose of her mate after copulation (交配). While some species of widow spiders always consume their sex partners, the western black widow spider that recently made headlines rarely engages in such cannibalistic (同类相食的)activities.                                                                    ... ...

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