

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:14次 大小:26137Byte 来源:二一课件通
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浙江省衢州市 2019-2022三年高一下学期英语期末试卷汇编 句子翻译 浙江省衢州市2021-2022学年高一下学期教学质量检测英语试卷 第二节:翻译(共10空;每空1分,满分10分) 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子和篇章,每空不限填一词。 56. 尽管他经历了起起伏伏,但是他从未放弃。 Though he has gone through _____ , he never _____ . 57. 随着社会的发展,许多传统的观念正在被改变。 _____ the development of modern society, many traditional ideas _____ now. 58. 李老师要表扬那些作文写得好的学生。 Mr. Li wanted to praise the students _____ compositions were well-written. 59. 只有早些掌握良好的倾听技能才能收集到你成功所需要的信息。 _____ when you develop good listening skills early _____ you be able to gather the information you need to succeed. 60. 毕业于北京协和医学院,林巧稚成为北京协和医院妇产科聘任的首位女住院医师。虽然她终身未婚,但是她被称为“万婴之母”,她一生中亲手接生的婴儿有五万多名。 After _____ Peking Union Medical College, Lin Qiaozhi became the first woman ever to be hired _____ a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. _____ the fact that she never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, having delivered over 50, 000 babies in her lifetime. 浙江省衢州市2020-2021学年高一下学期教学质量检测英语试卷 第二节(共5题;每空1分,满分10分) 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 76. 两天前他忽然想到David适合这个职位。 It_____ him that David was_____ the position two days ago 77. 为了庆祝春节,我们用红灯笼和中国结来装饰我们的房子。 _____ the Spring Festival, we_____ red lanterns and Chinese knots. 78. 无论这次疫情多么严重,我们坚信政府将会帮助我们渡过难关。 _____ serious the pandemic is, we firmly believe the government will_____ it. 79. 如今人们正在筹款以阻止濒危物种灭绝。 Nowadays the funds _____ to prevent the endangered species from _____. 80. 随着加利福尼亚金子的发现,许多人从世界各地蜂拥而至来寻找他们的财富。 With gold_____ in California, many people came from all over the world to_____. 浙江省衢州市2019-2020学年高一下学期教学质量检测英语试卷 第二节根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(共5小题,每小题2分) 76.不管你的竞争对手有多强,你都不应该不试一试就屈服。 are, you shouldn't give in without trying. 77.那只可怜的羚羊刚睡着,一个巨大的危险就来了。 The poor antelope had just a great danger came. 78.这个男孩是否能从膝伤中恢复还不清楚。 The question the boy can his knee injury is still not clear. 79.近20年以来,他一直献身于帮助穷人。 He has been poor people for nearly 20 years. 80.一些专家认为,还要两年的时间才能最终控制新冠肺炎疫情。 Some experts believe two years the COVID-19 can finally be controlled. 答案: 浙江省衢州市2021-2022学年高一下学期教学质量检测英语试卷 56. 尽管他经历了起起伏伏,但是他从未放弃。 Though he has gone through _____ , he never _____ . 【答案】 ①. ups and downs ②. quits / gives up 【解析】 【详解】考查固定搭配和时态。第一空名词短语ups and downs (起起伏伏)作宾语,第二空quit / give up (放弃)做谓语动词,讲述现在的一般情况,时态用一般现在时,主语he第三人称,谓语单数形式。故填①ups and downs ②quits / gives up。 57. 随着社 ... ...

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