
人教版(2019)必修一 开学第一课(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:1972481Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) welcome Enjoy the song: B What U Wanna B. doctor actor lawyer or a singer 医生演员律师或歌唱家 why not president be a dreamer 为什么不是总统 做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 police man fire fighter or a post man 警察消防员或者邮递员 why not something like your old man 为什么不是像你老伙伴的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 Lead-in Be what you wanna be 不管曾经的你是怎样的, 通过努力,你终究会活成你喜欢的样子,成为,你想要成为的那个人。 Survey 1.你的中文名字?英文名字? 2.你的特长? 3.你有英语字典吗?是哪本? 4.你在初中阶段的英语学习中最不擅长的是什么?(单词?语法?阅读?作文?) 5.你有什么有用又有趣的学习英语方法? 6.上初中的时候,你觉得老师的哪些教学方法(管理方法)很好?希望现在继续沿用。 7.你所期待的高中英语课堂是怎样的? 8.你希望从英语课堂中学到什么? 9.你觉得高中英语和初中英语有什么区别? 10.其他想法或建议 Hobbies: Teaching age: 5 Name: reading books & listening to music Dislike: singing songs in public Tel: Birthplace: Motto: Attitude is everything Graduate school: What about you Self-introduction I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)... I am fond of...我喜欢... I am interested in… My hobby is…./ My hobbies are….. ...is my favorite. I am a person who is outgoing/friendly. Hobbies Name Age I am .../ My name is… I’m 16 years old. I’m a 16-- year-- old girl. qualities Self-introduction Hello, everyone. I’m _____and I graduated from_____. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_____. In a word, I’m a person who_____. (doing sth) 课堂要求 1.量化制度 加分项 积极参与课堂:+ 0.5分/次 作业:A+: + 0.5分/次 A: + 0.3分/次 B: + 0.2分/次 听写满分:+ 0.5分/次 减分项:违反纪律- 0.5分/次 不交作业:-0.5分/次 2.认真倾听,不准嘲笑他人 3.及时整理笔记 4.永远不要忘记做作业 5.准备两个本子:笔记本,作业本 6.想要学好英语,请准备一本英语双解词典 About English Do you like English Do you think it difficult why Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake (小菜一碟) In fact , learning English is interesting. watch sister 表妹 horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎 no door 没门儿 go and look 走着瞧 You give me stop! 你给我站住! colour wolf 色狼 搞笑“英语” Love who who 爱谁谁 cousin no way lady-killer We will see. I don’t care. Stop! Just so so. Why should we study English Interesting The most widely used language English examinations in our student life. English is used in our daily life and future work. Why not Whether you like English or not ,you must learn it well if you want to graduate and go to college 3years later. Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点 Large vocabulary long sentence & passage Complicated grammar High criteria writing What is the difference between senior middle school and junior middle school English class Vocabulary: 3000--3500, more difficult. E.g. 1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was begi ... ...

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