

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:57次 大小:29839Byte 来源:二一课件通
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宁波市2019—2022学年第一学期期末英语高一质量检测阅读理解汇编(共三年) 第二部分 阅读理解 2019-2020 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Notre-Dame, the cathedral (大教堂) that serves as one of Paris’s most beloved monuments, is on fire. According to The New York Times, the fire began around 6: 30 p.m. local time, when tourists urgently rushed out of the building. While Andre Finot, a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times, that the cause of the fire is still unknown and that no one has been hurt while damage to the building appears catastrophic(灾难性的). CNN reports that over 400 firefighters have been sent to fight the fire, but that they may be unable to save the cathedral. Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒). NBC News reports that relics from Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis may been lost, together with a relic believed to be from Jesus Christ’s crown of thorns, but it states that authorities now believe that the cathedral has been saved from “total destruction”. Notre-Dame is visited by a reported 30, 000 people a day and 13 million people per year. Its destruction represents a global cultural loss. “This is just horrible”, Mohamed Megdoul, 33, a film producer and witness to the fire told The Times, speaking through tears. “A thousand years of history is being wiped away. This belonged to the whole world, and now it’s disappearing.” French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. “Notre-Dame of Paris in flames,” reads an English translation of his statement. “Emotion for a whole nation. Thoughts for all Catholics and for all the French. Like all our countrymen, I’m sad together to see this part of us burn.” Other politicians, including Melanis Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May also shared their sadness on Twitter. 1.What do we know about Notre-Dame according to the passage A.It has been completely destroyed by the fire. B.It’s a huge political loss to the world. C.It’s only meaningful to Catholics. D.The reason of the fire remained to be found out. 2.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph imply A.The history of France is destroyed because of the fire. B.The loss the fire caused is huge. C.The damage of Notre-Dame is being wiped off. D.The cathedral has been saved from “total destruction”. 3.What’s the purpose of writing the passage A.To report a disaster of Notre-Dame. B.To express people’s sadness of the destruction. C.To emphasize the value of Notre-Dame. D.To show the concerns from the worldwide. Several years ago, I began asking my friends and family to tell me something about their passwords. Yes, I understand why passwords are universally hated: the pressure they put on our memory and the endless demand to update them. I hate them too. But there is more to passwords than their annoyance. In the fact that we construct them so that we can reme ... ...

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