
【新课标】Unit 8 Collecting things 第3课时Grammar课件+视频

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:81次 大小:24228760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Collecting things Period 3 Grammar 牛津深圳·广州版 七年级上 1. Knowledge objectives: ①Master the basic usage of subjective and objective of personal pronouns.② Master the basic usage of possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. 2. Skill objectives: ① Use subjective and objective of personal pronouns correctly. ② Use possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns correctly. 3. Emotional objectives: Strengthen the love of hobbies. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Cultivate students’ analytical ability and divergent thinking ability. Make students use the grammar rules to draw inferences from one instance. Learning objects Lead in Find out the pronouns in the passage. Sam and Helen’s grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door! “This silver doorbell is my favourite,” said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa opened the door. “Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said. “Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa ” asked Sam. “Your grandma,” he answered. “She loves doorbells.” “What do you like collecting, Grandpa ” asked Helen. “I like collecting newspapers.” I she he it we you they Lead in Subject pronoun (主格) them me her him us it you Object pronoun (宾格) Lead in my your their his her its our Possessive adjective (形容词性物主代词) Lead in Lead in Possessive pronouns (名词性物主代词) mine yours hers its theirs his ours Presentation A Personal Pronouns We use personal pronouns to replace nouns that we have already talked about. We have subject pronouns and object pronouns. Subject pronoun I you he she it we they Object pronoun me you him her it us them 人称代词 Presentation Try to remember Personal Pronouns with the song. Sam and Helen’s grandparents love collecting things. They have eight doorbells on their front door. Presentation Work out the rule We use _____ pronouns in front of verbs. subject The subject is the doer of an action and is put in front of the verb. Presentation Helen saw a silver doorbell. She pushed it. This silver doorbell is beautiful. What do you think of it Work out the rule We use _____ pronouns in front of verbs. object The object is the noun upon which an action is done. It is put after the verb. Linda: What did you do during the weekend, Leo Leo: I (1)_____(go) for a walk in the woods. It(2)_____(be) quite hot. Linda: Did you (3)_____(take) a cap Leo: Yes, I(4)_____(do). I(5)_____(take) my sunglasses too. But, I (6) _____ (drop) them onto the ground and (7)_____(break) them! went was take did took dropped broke Last weekend, Leo went on a hiking trip. He is telling Linda about his plete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Have a go Mr Chen is speaking to his plete the sentences by changing the words in brackets into pronouns. you we She her They me him Have a go Presentation Enjoy a song! This is my phone card. It is mine. Presentation ... ...

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