
高二英语Unit9 Speaking课件

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:22次 大小:4777648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。人教修订版 高中二年级(上) Unit 9Speaking What can you see? We can see an earth with a smiling face. She used to be happy.We can see our earth is sad now.Water pollution1. What is the biggest problem of the earth? Why do you think so? I think water pollution is the biggest problem. Because the water is very important to us. If water is polluted, people will not be able to get clean water to drink and get sick. It is veryterrible. Besides, many living things may die out because of it. 2. What causes the problem? It is because people pay no attention to our environment. More and more polluted water is piped into rivers, lakes and seas without any treatment.3. What can we do to solve the problem? Our government should take measures to protect our environment. They should check the factories as often as possible to make sure waste water is not poured into rivers, lakes or seas.4. What do you expect to learn in this unit? How are you going to learn it? I want to learn how many problems the earth is facing. And the most important thing is how to protect our earth. I will listen to our teacher carefully and look up some information on internet.5. How will you check what you have learnt? We can check what we have learnt each other. 6. How will you use what you have learnt? I will use what I have learnt to standardize my own behavior and try my best to save our earth.SpeakingUseful expressions: We must make sure that ... I am all for... Sure/Certainly/Absolutely It is clear that... If nothing is done... It would be better if we... A local leader: You want to do what is best for everybody. Listen to all the speakers. Take notes summarize and help the speakers decide.The possible answers A: Now, we’re having a meeting to decide whether we should burn coal. Please tell us your opinions. B: I think we should burn the coal to earn money. We can pay taxes to the government. How can our country develop quickly without money?C: But burning coal causes too much pollution to our environment. It pollutes the air badly. Air pollution can affect our health in many ways. Can money buy health? If nothing is done to stop pollution, we will have no fresh air to breathe and no good environment to live.D: Quite right. I don’t think we should burn the coal. We should spend more money on science to find a better way of using the coal. After having found out the way to burn it without pollution, not only can we burn the coal, but also we can protect our environment.E: What you said is right. But if we want to develop our area as soon as possible, we must burn the coal to get money. If we stop using the coal to wait for you to find a new way, how can we develop our area?F: All that you said are reasonable. I think we can try our best to find a good way to use the coal. Besides, we must ask those factories to take measures to stop the pollution.make poverty historyTalking on P138 What’s the most serious problem on our earth? In my opinion, it is the poverty. Pover ... ...

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