
冀教版七上英语 U2 Lesson9 Whose coat is this? 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:883200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 9 Whose Coat Is This Revision Vocabulary: scarf, glove, maybe, just Phrases and sentence patterns: just right… Focus structures: Whose… is this / are these It’s / They’re my/his/her… Is this/ Are these your/ his/ her… Yes, it is/ they are. No, it’s not/ they are not. too big/ too small/ just right. What will we learn today Presentation scarf gloves Listen and fill Jenny : Whose _____ is this Is it your _____, Danny Danny: No. It’s too _____ for me. It’s Bob’s coat. coat coat big Mr. Jones : Whose _____ is this Is it your ____, Jenny Jenny: No, it’s not my scarf. It’s Kim’s scarf. scarf scarf Danny : Whose _____ are these Jenny : They are too _____ for me. _____ they’re Lynn’s gloves. gloves small Maybe Mr. Jones : Whose _____ are these Are they your _____, Danny Danny: Yes, they are. See They are ____ right for me! shorts shorts just Practice Danny: Whose dress is this It's too _____ for me. Ms. Liu: It's Jenny's dress. small right Ms.Liu: Whose hat is this Is yout hat, Danny Danny: Yes.It's just _____ for me. 1. whose ...is this 这是谁的...? ◆Whose coat is this 这是谁的外套? ◆Whose is this coat 这件外套是谁的? 【学以致用】 ①They are Tom’s books. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ are they ②Whose shorts are these (改为同义句) _____ are these _____ 答案:①Whose books ②Whose; shorts 2. too big 太大 反义词 too small 太小 too adv. (1)也;(2)太 ◆It’s too big for me. 它对我来说太大了。 ◆This pair of shoes are too old. 这双鞋太旧了。 ◆Your shoes are new. My shoes are new, too. 你的鞋是新的,我的鞋也是新的。 【学以致用】 ①这条裙子对于凯特来说太大了。 The skirt is _____ big _____ Kate. ②见到你我也很高兴。 Nice to meet you, _____. 答案:①too; for ②too 3. scarf n. 围巾,头巾 复数 scarfs / scarves e.g. one scarf two scarfs / scarves 4. gloves 与 this/a pair of gloves 手套 这/一副手套 this/a pair of gloves做主语时,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。 同样以相同两部分组成,常以复数形式出现的名词还有shoes, socks, stockings, pants/trousers, jeans, shorts, glasses, scissors等。 e.g. Whose gloves are these This pair of gloves is too old. 5. maybe 与 may be 都有“也许,可能”之意。 maybe adv. 在句中作状语,常位于句首。 may be 中may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是,可能是”。 e.g. Maybe she will come this afternoon. I can't find my pen. It may be in my schoolbag. 一言辨异: He may be in the room. = Maybe he is in the room. 6. They are just right for me. just right 正好,刚刚好 This pair of gloves is just right for me. e.g. 这副手套对我刚刚合适。 1. I don't like black _____ (围巾). 2. These gloves ____ (be) Bob's. 3. The hat is just _____ for me. 4. ____ (也许) it's Kim's scarf. 5. -- _____ book is this -- It's Linda's. 6. The shoes are _____ (太大) for me. scarfs/scarves are right May Whose too big Thank You! ... ...

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