

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:54次 大小:6673089Byte 来源:二一课件通
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对话三: 英语·六年级(上) ()5.Where did Peter go last week A.He went to see the pandas B.He went to the West Lake. ( )6.Why were they upset 北京市丰台区2019年期末考试真卷 A.Because they missed the flight.B.Because they went back for the bag. 笔试部分 四、选择与图意相符的短语。(6分) 将省 F证 每 题序 三 四 六 十一十二合计评定等级 )2. )3. 得分 听力部分 2 一、听句子,按听到的顺序用A、B、C给每组图片排序。(6分) 4 )5.f )6. 第一组: A.go fishing B.return the books C.wash clothes )3. D.work on the farm E.visit her grandparents F.play with a model ship 五、素养点读一读,仿照范例分类。(9分) 第二组: A.animals B.ball games C.clothes 例:(B)football )4. )6.- 1.()basketball 2.( )jeans 3.( )rat 4.( )baseball 5.( )hoody 6.( )shirt 7.( )volleyball 8.()horse 9.( 二、听问句,根据问句选择答语。(12分) )rooster 六、读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图片。(6分) ( )1.A.Because I cut my finger. B.She is wearing a pretty dress. ( )2.A.We flew to Nanjing )1.He fell off the bike yesterday. ( B.We went there by plane ( )2.We went to the airport by bus. )3.A.He likes pajamas. B.He wears a jacket and a pair of jeans. ( )3.She wears pretty dresses on stage )4.A.Every three months B.Every twelve years. ( )4.My family had a big dinner last night. ( )5.A.They rode horses or walked. B.They went there with their teacher. )5.I like collecting the birth-year animal stamps. )6.A.They borrowed 6 books. B.They won 51 gold medals. )6.The doctor said he should stop eating too much. 三、听三段对话,选择最佳的选项。(听每段对话完成两道小题)(12分) 对话一: ()1.How did the boy go to Beijing B. A.By plane. B.By train. )2.Where did the girl go last month A.Shanghai. B.Chengdu. 0 对话二: E. F.正 ()3.What Games did they talk about A.The 29th Olympic Games. B.The 30th Olympic Games. )4.How many gold medals did the Chinese athletes win 七、读短文,选择合适的词语将短文补充完整。(10分) A.They won 38 gold medals. B.They won 51 gold medals. A.fun B.farm C.summer D.gifts E.Peking Opera —2

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