
公开课 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?SectionA (2a-2d) 课件(34张PPT)+音视频

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:18次 大小:26643160Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册 SectionA(2a-2d) Unit9 Can you come to my party Presentation Warming up Let's enjoy a video. A: Can you come to my birthday party B: Sure, I’d love to. /It sounds great/good./... Look and say. Revision My birthday is coming, I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. I will invite my friends to my party. Can you come to my birthday party A: Can you come to my birthday party B: I’m sorry , I can’t . / I’m afraid not./ Sorry, I’m not free/available. I have to / must /might have to.... Revision Look and say. Christmas Party Time: 7:30 pm Friday, December 25 Is it a big party or a small party A: Can you come to the party B: Sure , I'd love to . Can you come to the party C: I'm sorry , I can't . I have to / must /might have to... Can you come to the party D:.... E: …. ...... Use different answers. Train game Revision Read the words quickly and say their Chinese meanings. [ ve l bl] another time [ n t l] [h ] hang out [k t ] available adj.有空的;可获得的 其他时间;别的时间 until conj. & prep.到…时;直到…为止 hang v. ( hung[h ])悬挂;垂下 闲逛;常去某处 catchv. ( caught[k t])及时赶上;接住;抓住 New words I am having a party on Saturday, too. I invite my friends Jeff, Mary, May, Mei Ling and Paul to come. Please listen to the tape. Can they go to the party Anna 听前预测:关注人名。 Prediction 2a Listen and circle can or can’t. 1. Jeff can/ can’t go to the party. 2. Mary can/ can’t go to the party. 3. May can/ can’t go to the party. 4. Mei Ling can/ can’t go to the party. 5. Paul can/ can’t go to the party. While-listening 听中策略:关注肯定或否定回答。 2b Listen again. Who can’t go to the party Why Complete the chart. Names Reasons Jeff May Mei Ling He might have to meet his friend. She has the flu. She must study for a math test. Answer like this: Jeff can’t go to the party. Because he... While-listening Listen again and finish the tasks. Conversation 1 Anna: Hi, Jeff! Can you come to my party on Saturday Jeff: I’m sorry, I’m _____. I _____meet my friend on Saturday. not free might have to Q: Can Jeff come to Anna's party Q:Why can't he come No,he can't. Because he might have to meet his friend. While-listening Conversation 2 Anna: Hello, Mary! Can you come to my party on Saturday Mary:_____.Do I need _____ Anna: No, I’ll buy all the food and drinks. I’d love to to bring anything Q: Can Mary come to Anna's party Yes,she can. Conversation 3 Anna: May, can you come to my party tomorrow May: _____. I _____. Anna: Oh, that’s too bad. Well, drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep. I’m afraid not. have the flu. Q: Can May come to Anna's party Q:Why can't she come Q:What should May do No,she can't. Because she has the flu. Conversation 4 Anna: Mei Ling, can you come to my party on Saturday Mei Ling: Sorry, but I’m _____. I _____ a math test. Anna: OK. Good luck! She should drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep. not ava ... ...

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