
Module 12 UUnit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 课件 (共33张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:26次 大小:23973307Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) earthquake warn inside under window n. 地震 v. 警告;告诫 n. 内部;里面 adv. 在里面;向室内 prep. 在……里面 adj. 里面的;内部的 prep. 在……正下方; 在……下面 n. 窗;窗户 Words review Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately. Words review keep clear keep clear of … calm brave helpful power v. 保持;留在 adj. 不和……接触的; 不挨……太近的 v. 清除;清理;移走 不和……接触 adj. 镇静的;沉着的 adj. 勇敢的;无畏的 adj. 有用的;提供帮助的 n. 电;电力 Match the words with the pictures. warn power calm window earthquake brave Module 12 Help Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 1 Where are the people 2 What are they doing Look and say Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions. 1 P98 1 Where is the boy 2 What is he doing He is hiding under a table. The little boy is in a room. a shaking light broken glasses 1 Where are the people 2 What are they doing power lines a shaking building and broken glasses They are outside the building. They are moving away from the building and power lines. 1 Where are the people 2 What are they doing They are in a bus. They are staying in the bus and keeping down between the chairs. chairs 1 Where are the people 2 What are they doing They are in a building. A man is stopping the lady from using the lift. Others are running down the stairs. a lift stairs Look and say 1 P98 What is happening Why are they doing these things An Earthquake 2 P98 Look at the title of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake. what to do in an earthquake Watch and say Don't panic. Take cover. Hide under a desk. Don't use the elevator. Take the stairs. What should we do in an earthquake Let’s read the passage and learn more about it. 1. It is ____ to warn people about earthquakes happening. A. easy B. difficult 2. ____ jump out of high buildings when the earthquake happened. A. Don’t B. Do 3. _____ the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but _____ the lift. A. Leave; use B. Leave; do not use C. Don’t leave; don’t use D. Don’t leave; use 4. ____ when you are with other people. A. Keep calm B. Shout loudly 5. _____ bridges and trees. A. Climb up B. Stay away from Task 1 Choose the best answer for each sentence. 1. We should stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 2. When the ground stops shaking, we should stay in the building. 3. We could stand near street lights or under power lines. 4. We should hide behind the trees. 5. We should hide under the bridges. 6. If we are in a bus or car, go out as soon as possible. leave the building quickly. stay away from the trees. stay in it. stay away from the bridges. OR Task 2 Do not When the earthquake started … 1 … I hid under a table. 2 … Sam sat on his desk. 3 … Alice ran out of the building. 4 … Peter and Helen stayed in their car. 5 … my family and I moved away from the beach. √ √ √ × × Task 3 4 P99 Decide if the following actions are ri ... ...

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