
专题10 高中英语名校精选完型填空15空专项训练(10套含答案)

日期:2024-07-04 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:29次 大小:906546Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高中英语名校精选完型填空15空专项训练 专题10.(10套精选含答案) 完形填空专练91 Like it or hate it, when Kim Kardashian wears something, people take notice. With the reality TV star wearing secondhand Azzedine Alaia to Paris fashion week, secondhand Jean Paul Gaultier to a party and a secondhand 1990s Thierry Mugler gown to an award ceremony, it 1 change is happening. Who would have thought that Kardashian—a woman worth $ 350 million ( 270 million)—would be making a case for sustainable fashion As consumers become increasingly aware of the 2 impact of fashion, they are looking for a more sustainable way to shop. Could 3 secondhand be the answer The vintage style(复古风格), it seems, is increasingly 4 . High-end boutique Browns has also just launched the label One Vintage, which uses antique textiles to create new clothes. Octavia Bradford, the buyer for Browns, says: " 5 is the loudest conversation in fashion right now." A study shows that, last year, 64% of women were willing to buy pre-owned pieces compared with 45% in 2016—and 6 , by 2022 19% of the clothes in women's wardrobes will be secondhand. Fashion circularity, a new term referring to the recycled life of clothes, is 7 to reach $51 billion in five years, up from the current $24 billion, according to ThredUp's annual resale report. Stella McClure, the founder of the online shop The Stellar Boutique, has noticed the 8 . When she opened the shop 20 years ago there was still 9 attached. "But now (thankfully) The Stellar Boutique is not just acceptable—it's cool and has completely 10 the fashion trends," she says. Apart from people's increased 11 of sustainability, vintage fashion fits neatly into the wider mood of the Instagram age, where authenticity and originality—not being seen in the same outfit as anyone else—are 12 . What better ways to stand out than to wear clothes few others are likely to own Not 13 to sit back and watch others profit from their vintage items, some luxury labels are relaunching decades-old designs from their own archives. Last year, 14 , Dior brought back its saddle bag because of the attention it was getting in the vintage fashion market. However, for some, buying vintage items will never feel quite right. "It's really not my bag," says Bates. "There are obvious 15 —sizing isn't uniform, and you have to be careful to look for holes and rips." 1.A.suggests B.maintains C.calculates D.advocates 2.A.cultural B.historical C.environmental D.emotional 3.A.distributing B.buying C.controlling D.decreasing 4.A.in fashion B.in effect C.out of date D.in power 5.A.Originality B.Technology C.Profit D.Sustainability 6.A.legally B.appropriately C.likely D.undoubtedly 7.A.required B.projected C.guaranteed D.warned 8.A.symptom B.field C.tradition D.shift 9.A.satisfaction B.excitement C.shame D.fascination 10.A.broken B.defined C.captured D.challenged 11.A.potential B.awareness C.lack D.power 12.A.reversed B.questioned C.ensured D.valued 13.A.consi ... ...

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