
2023届高考英语二轮复习读后续写:情感描写2 学案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:87次 大小:89692Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语读后续写素材大全 第七部分.情感描写(二) 情感描写6 “哭、笑、流泪、出汗” 1.Christine's kiss made him cry with joy. 克里斯汀的吻让他高兴得哭了. 2.Dantès uttered/gave a cry of joy and surprise; never had a first attempt been crowned with more perfect success. 唐太斯又惊又喜地大叫了一声,想不到第一次尝试就取得了这样圆满的成功. 3.People around me then began to cry out in fear/alarm. “The train is on fire!” they cried. 我周围的人开始惊恐地喊道:“火车着火了!” 4.When his favorite duck died, my son cried his eyes out. 当我儿子心爱的鸭子死了时,他十分伤心地哭个不停. 5.I threw myself face down on the bed and cried myself to sleep. 我扑倒在床上,一直哭到睡着. 6.She threw herself onto bed and cried into her pillow. 她倒在床上,抱着枕头痛哭起来. 7. You'd better think twice because there are a lot many people trying to get that job, and there is no use to cry over the spilled/spilt milk . 很多人都想争取这个职位,你还是再考虑一下吧,这世上可没后悔药吃. 8. I could have wept thinking what I'd missed. 想到所失去的东西我真想痛哭一场. 9.I weep for all the wasted moments. 我为一切浪费的时间哭泣. 10. Youth is not time for us to weep with grief for the tedious and long-term to make youth sunny. 青春没有时间让我们为繁琐而长久地悲泣,要让青春充满阳光. 11. She shut herself in her bedroom sobbing her heart out. 她把自己关在卧室里,哭得死去活来. 12. She sobbed out the story of her son's violent death. 她哭着诉说儿子横死的经过. 13. Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress. 不要对他的努力嗤之以鼻,他已经取得了很大的进步. 14.I broke the news to her and she burst into tears. 我把消息告诉了她,结果她突然大哭了起来. 15. Scarcely had she heard the sad story when she burst out crying. 她一听到这悲伤的消息,就失声痛哭. 16.She will be in tears whenever she recalls the painful memories. 她每次回想起那些伤痛的回忆,都会掉下泪来. 17.One of the small children began to wail with terror. 其中一个小孩吓得大哭起来. 18.She laughed to cover her nervousness. 她笑了,想以此来掩饰自己紧张的心情. 19.She looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the penny dropped and she burst out laughing. 她一开始看起来有些不解,突然恍然大悟,笑了起来. 20.When they burst into laughter, she blushed. 他们突然大笑起来,她脸涨得通红. 21.It was a really funny film that I laughed until/till I cried! =It was a really funny film that I laughed into tears. 这是一部有趣的电影,我笑出了眼泪. 22. When I see advertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 每当看到诸如此类的广告时,我真是哭笑不得. 23. He tried to laugh off his embarrassing situation. 他试图笑一笑,摆脱尴尬的局面. 24. He could only laugh off the spilled dinner. 他只能对打翻的晚餐一笑置之. 25. It was so funny, I nearly died laughing. 太好玩了,我差点笑死了 26. When he brought a ball home, I remember the shock of seeing him smile sweetly when he saw how excited his sons became at the sight of it. 有一次他带了一个足球回家,我记得,当他看到儿子们欣喜若狂的反应时,他甜甜地微笑着,而我也因他的微笑而感到惊奇. 27. She smiled faintly at him; it was a ... ...

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