
2023届高考英语二轮复习读后续写:时间描写2 学案素材

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:16次 大小:51578Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语读后续写素材大全 第一部分.时间描写 (二) 时间描写14 “磨蹭/花费/节约/挤(腾)出/消磨/耗尽/浪费/弥补/利用/珍惜/分享时间” *mark/take/spend/save/spare(make)/kill/run out of/waste/make up for/recover/make use of/treasure/cherish/share time 1.The officer made the soldiers mark time as a punishment. 那位军官让士兵们原地踏步以示惩罚. 2. Why do you just mark time You should be quicker. 你为什么磨磨蹭蹭?你应该更快一些. 3.I'm just marking time in this job-I'm hoping to get into journalism. 我干这份工作只是在等待时机,我希望能从事新闻工作. 4.Take time to do some kindness. And go across the second mile. 花点时间去做善事,走过第二个里程. 5. Take your time over the job, and do it well. 这事得慢慢来做,可得做好啊. 6. Take your time, don't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter. 慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做. 7.You certainly took your time getting here! 你真是姗姗来迟啊! 8. Even though it can take additio al time to do your homework, you'll be surprised how much you will shine compared to those who didn't put in the extra effort. 尽管完成作业可能需要你拿出额外的时间,但当你与那些没有付出额外努力的人坐在一起的时候,你会发现自己的表现是多么抢眼,连你自己都会感到吃惊. 9. It took me some time to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白. 10.I have to spend time getting away from the crowd! 我得花时间从人群中脱身啊! 11.You should spend time on basic training, not on those flourishes. 要练好基本功,别尽学花架子. 12. Spend time with the people you love in the place that you love. 和你爱的人在你喜爱的环境里共度时光. 13. We'd save time on our journey if we went by train. 如果我们乘火车去的话,我们会在旅程上节约时间. 14.If we go this way it will save us two hours on the trip. 如果走这条路,可以缩短两个小时的行程. 15.You should read a lot of books and exercise a lot. Even if your course load is very heavy, you should still spare some time to do other things, because interest contains limitless power. 要多读书多锻炼,无论你的课程多重,也应该挤出时间做些别的,因为兴趣隐藏着无限力量. 16.Whatever your dreams are-make time for them, and treat them seriously. 不论你的梦想是什么,都要为它腾出时间,认真对待. 17.Make time to socialize with friends-and also make time for yourself. 抽时间进行社交--跟朋友聚聚,也是为自己抽出时间. 18. We shouldn't kill time by watching TV or listening to music. 我们不应当用看电视或是听音乐来消磨时间. 19. We've run out of time, but we'll go on with this exercise next time. 今天时间用完了,我们下次继续做这个练习. 20.Don't lose time in doing your homework. 抓紧时间做作业吧. 21. We fell behind, we missed big trends, and we lost time. 我们落后了,我们错过了主要潮流,我们丧失了时间优势. 22.I'm not one to waste time on just anyone. 我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人. 23.I wasted a lot of time playing online games. 我浪费了很多时间玩网络游戏. 24.I must work hard to make up for lost time. 我必须努力工作来弥补失去的时间. 25.I must study hard to recover the lost time. 我一定要努力学习来补上失去的时间. 26. If I were you, ... ...

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