
2023届高考英语二轮复习读后续写:语言描写2 学案素材

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:28次 大小:68328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语读后续写素材大全 第六部分.语言描写(二) 语言描写7 明喻修辞格(1) 表“好像··.;似乎··..·”之“like+宾语十宾补”和“like+ n.” 1.I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window. 我睡得正酣,正在这时我的床开始晃动,我听到一种奇怪的声音就像一列火车正从我的窗外驶过. 2. The old pine tree still stood there like an umbrella covering the entrance of the cave. 这颗老松树依然耸立在那,像伞一样盖住了洞穴. 3. He began his new life like an old tree blossoming again. 他开始新生活就像古树又开了花. 4.Her eyes are big and bright like jewels set in. 她的一双眼又大又明亮,如同镶嵌着的宝石. 5.The thunder sounded like a bomb exploding on the roof of the house. 雷声听起来就好像炸弹在房顶上爆炸似地. 6.He saw me like a mouse seeing the cat, running everywhere to hide. 他看见我就像老鼠见了猫似的,到处躲藏. 7.I was chased by people like a rat crossing the street. 我就像过街的老鼠似的,被人追着打. 8.He cheered up like a naughty monkey jumping without stop. 他高兴起来就像一只顽皮的猴子似的,蹦跳个不停. 9.She was like a bee trapped in a room, seeing the sunlight outside but unable to fly out. 她好像圈在屋里的一只蜜蜂,看着外边的阳光却飞不出去. 10.Sometimes I feel like a bird in the cage, and coming here is what sets me free. 有时我觉得自己像是一只在笼子里的鸟,而来到这里让我感到自由. 11.Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. lf we are blind to it, we are like a snail crawling slowly alone without knowing what is happening around us. Thus, we are more likely to be left behind and ruled out of the fierce competition. 一人都会有优缺点.如果对此视而不见,像蜗牛向前慢爬一样对周围发生的一切一无所知,那样,我们就很可能落在后面并被激烈的竞争淘汰. 12. At first he drove like a snail and now how he is dashing along! 一开始,他车驾得跟蜗牛一样,现在他又一路猛冲! 13.The moon of the Lantern Festival is like a mirror, lighting up the ground. 正月十五的月亮就像明镜似的,照得大地一片光明. 14.The summer sun is like a magic wand, madly parching the earth. 夏天的太阳就像着了魔似的,疯狂地炙烤着大地. 15. The storm is dying out like the tide down. 暴风雨消退就如同潮汐落下. 16.Mary is smiling like a flower out. 玛丽笑起来如同一朵盛开的鲜花. 17. She dashed to the station like an arrow from a bow. 她像离弓之箭冲到车站. 18. He worked out the problem like a duck to water. 他轻而易举就把难题解开了. 19. Sarah took to teaching like a duck to water. 莎拉教起书来驾轻就熟. 20. He shouted at me like an angry lion. 他像一头发怒的狮子冲着我叫嚷. 21. She works like a horse all day long. 她整天辛辛苦苦地干活. 22.We ran like the wind. 我们跑得飞快. 23. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot. 听到钥匙在开前门的声音,我立即从床上起来了. 24.He walked trembling just like a thief. 他走路鬼鬼崇崇的,就像做贼似的. 25. Grandpa happily wandered about like a child. 爷爷高兴起来就像一个孩子似的,乐呵呵地转悠着. 26. As I drove home I sobbed like a baby. 开车回家时,我哭得像个婴儿. 27. The cat darted out of my room like (g ... ...

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