
2023届高考英语二轮复习读后续写:动作描写1 学案素材

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:50次 大小:63756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语读后续写素材大全 第五部分.动作描写(一) 动作描写1 “位置变化”之动态介词 onto.../into... 到·····上去/里去 off.../out of... 从·····表面/里面离开 across.../through... 从······表面横过/从······里面穿过 along.../down.../up... 沿着······ over.../above... 在······上方越过 under.../below.../beneath... 在······下方 around.../round... 在······周围 to.../towards.../at... 朝······ at.../past.../by... 在·····旁边/从······旁边经过 onto.../into... 1. As he stepped backwards, she fell onto her knees, then onto her face. 他向后退时,她双膝跪倒在地,接着迎面倒了下去. 2.The cyclist turned off the highway onto a side road. 自行车手下了公路上了小道. 3. I marched him across the room, down the hall and out onto the doorstep. 我拽着他穿过房间和大厅,来到门阶上. 4.She had to cling onto the door handle until the pain passed. 她不得不抓紧门把手,直到那阵疼痛过去. 5.The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market. 该药片本身自首次进人市场以来已经有了很大改变. 6. Burglars broke into their home. 窃贼闯进了他们家. 7.Driving into the sun, we had to shade our eyes. 迎着太阳开车,我们只好遮挡着眼睛. 8.He had three children, and lived on into his sixties. 他已经六十多岁了,有三个孩子. 9.She was sliding into depression. 她逐渐消沉下去. 10. He's into surfing in a big way. 他迷上了冲浪运动. off.../out of... 1.I fell off the ladder. 我从梯子上跌了下来. 2. He wiped the blood off his face with his handkerchief. 他用手帕擦去脸上的血迹. 3. Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16. 他们的第一辆车于12月16日下线. 4.Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue. 莉莉住在公园大道附近的一套顶层豪华公寓里. 5. The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the country. 这艘船停泊在该国北海岸附近. 6. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot. 听到前门的钥匙转动声,我立刻起床了. 7. Alison and I had to prize conversation out of him. 我和艾莉森只得从他口中撬出谈话内容. 8.The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了. 9.By now the plane was running out of fuel. 现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了. 10.They helped you out of pity. 他们出于同情而帮助了你. across.../through... 1.She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed. 她走过地板躺在了床上. 2.They fled across the border. 他们穿越边界逃走了. 3. She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track. 她撞上了最后一个跨栏,整个人趴在了跑道上. 4.A grin spread across her face. 她粲然一笑.(咧嘴笑了) 5.Her family is scattered across the country. 她的家人散居全国各地. 6. The sand ran through my fingers. 沙子从我的手指缝间漏了下去. 7.He drove through a red light. 他开车闯了红灯. 8.Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass. 艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃,神情忧郁地凝视着窗外. 9. He could just make out three people through the mist. 透过薄雾他勉强能看出有三个人. 10. Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct 我必须经过我的医生,还是可以直接预约? 11.We're playing in New Zealand an ... ...

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