
Unit 6 How do you like this one?period2 课件(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:27次 大小:3683377Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 Unit 6 How Do You Like This One (period2) (EEC五上) a _____ a____ ____ a ____ _____ with _____ I want a _____ with _____. a _____ a _____ ____ a _____without _____ I want a _____ _____ with _____. a _____ a ____ _____ a _____ without _____ I want a ____ wthout_____. blue _____ I want to buy _____ ____. green_____ I want to buy _____. Magic Showwindow 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 Let's compare(比较). How about this one It looks too big. It looks small. big--bigger small--smaller Show me a bigger/smaller one,please. 100 $ Guess: A: How much is it B:It is 100 dollars. A: B: It is too expensive. How about this coat Show me a cheaper one,please. 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 A:How about these pants It looks long. × B:They look long. Show me some shorter ones. long--longer short--shorter A:How about these B:They look great /good. 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 small -- smaller big -- bigger short -- shorter long -- longer cheap -- cheaper expensive -- more expensive 形容词比较级 单数: -- How about this ... -- It looks good/great/too big/small. It's too expensive/cheap. Show me a smaller/bigger one,please. 复数: -- How about these ... -- They look good/great/too big/small. They're too expensive/cheap. Show me some smaller/bigger ones,please. 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 Listen and answer. 1.( )Billy wants to buy a shirt witout a collar. 2.( )Billy likes it very much. 3.Does Billy have 110 dollars 4.Billy wants a _____one. A.big B.expensive C.cheap D.cheaper F T No, he doesn't.He only has 30 dollars. D _____ =a lot ( 只,仅仅 ) 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 Make a dialogue. A:How about _____ B : It looks too_____. /They look_____. Show me _____,please. A: How about _____ B: Oh, it looks_____./They look_____. How much is it /How much are they A:It's_____./They're_____. B: I will take it/them. 空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题 Homework.(任选其一) 1. Make a dialogue according to the text. 2.Copy the text.(P57) Good-bye!

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