
外研版 必修五 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Revision (共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:3100469Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 词汇 1. 新课标和考纲 要求:“学习词汇不只是记忆词的音、形、义,更重要的是在语篇中,通过听、说、读、看、写等语言活动,理解和表达与各种主题相关的信息或观点。” 2. 学情分析 词汇学习局限在“音、形、义”阶段,对“词性”理解模棱两可,以至于不能准确理解文意和进行书面表达; 词汇学习策略单一,效率有待提升。 The Great Sports Personality Revion(复习课): Vocabulary Learning Objectives(学习目标): 2. Master the key words by analyzing(分析) parts of speech (词性)and related usage. 1. Review words in a systematic(系统的) way, including classification(分类), affix(词缀) and topic. 3. Learn the good qualities of a great sportsman and build up our own qualities. Feedback Excellent Self-learning: Feedback He is _____, a _____, and he is good at _____ Sun Yang swimmer swimming Feedback He is _____, a _____, and he is good at _____ Zhang Jike playing table tennis table tennis player Feedback He is _____, a _____, and he is good at _____ Kobe basketball player playing basketball Feedback She is _____, a _____, and she is good at _____ Li Na tennis player / tennist playing tennis Feedback He is _____, a _____, and he is good at _____ Beckham football player playing football Feedback He is _____, a _____, and he is good at _____. After he retired, he started to do business. He is a _____ Li Ning gymnast gymnastics businessman Part 2 Listening Requirements: Listen to the tape and fill the blanks in the passage. Part 3 Reading A Life in Sport Li Ning was called the prince of _____. He won 106 gold medals in all and was chosen as one of the greatest _____of the 20th century by sports _____. After he _____, he began a new career as a businessman, launching a new brand of _____ and chose his own name as the brand _____. gymnasts sportsmen journalists retired sportswear mark Part 3 Reading Ling Ning’s sports clothes came onto the _____at just the right time and gained success quickly. In just a few years the company has _____great success. But Li Ning’s _____ was not to make money when he retired. In 1991, he opened a school for gymnasts to help young people to achieve their sporting _____. If you are a great sportsman, anything is possible, as Li Ning’s advertising _____says. market achieved goal ambitions slogan Part 4 Brainstorming like I like going shopping. I like to have dinner with you tonight. There are some handsome boys in our claa, like Han Shuai. We have different likes and dislikes. dislike v. v. n. prep. n. 1 Topic parts of speech Synonym(同) antonym(反) Usage Pronunciation Meaning Summary: How to review a word in a systematic way 2 3 5 6 7 4 Spelling Part 4 Group Work Requirements: Learn the following words in groups and write down your results on your learning paper. words presentation comment retire group 1 group 2 guarantee group 3 group 4 purchase group 5 group 6 design group7 group 8 competitor group 9 others 1 Topic parts of speech Synonym(同) antonym(反) Usage Pronunciation Meaning 2 3 ... ...

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