
2023届高三英语二轮复习培优名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选习题:A Canine Nanny(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:48996Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Canine Nanny 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选A Canine Nanny 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 动物与家人和谐相处 五星 809 【文章梗概】身为二孩妈妈,我既要照顾大女儿又要照顾刚出生三星期的二女儿。丈夫忙于工作,父母远在千里之外,除了一条名叫“Two”的狗狗,我的身边再无亲人陪伴。有一天,二女儿Abigail弄脏了自己的衣服,当我无奈地离开她去清洗时,Two承担起了保姆的职责,安抚了Abigail。在Two的陪伴下,Abigail长成了一个细腻、体贴的的小女孩;而当Two年纪大了,Abigail也反过来细心地照顾它。 The dog was created especially for children. Henry Ward Beecher I was physically and emotionally exhausted. At night, I was awake more than I slept, caring for our three-week-old daughter, Abigail. By day, I chased our older daughter, Bridget, an active two-year-old. My already taut nerves began to fray when Abigail developed a mild case of colic. Bridget demanded attention each time her sister fussed. Our dog, a purebred Brittany named Two, was constantly underfoot, and stumbling over her repeatedly did not help my state of mind. I also felt isolated. We were new to the area, and I didn’t know anyone in town. My parents, our nearest relatives, lived 150 miles away. Phoning my mother on the spur of the moment to ask if she’d drop by and watch the kids for an hour while I got some much-needed sleep wasn’t realistic. My husband helped as much as he could but needed to focus on his job. One day Abigail woke from a nap. As babies sometimes do, she had soiled her clothing and crib bedding. I tried to clean her up as fast as possible, but her cries developed into ear-shattering wails before I was through. I wanted to comfort her, but I was at a loss. I had to wash my hands, I couldn’t put her back into the crib and the floor hadn’t been vacuumed for days. Strapping her on the changing table, I wedged a receiving blanket between her and the railing. I promised I’d be right back. As her screams followed me into the bathroom, I neared complete meltdown. Women had handled this for generations—why couldn’t I cope I had just lathered up with soap when Two trotted purposefully past the bathroom door. A moment later the crying ceased. Hurriedly, I dried my hands and entered the nursery to find the Brittany standing on her hind legs, tenderly licking Abigail’s ear. The baby’s eyes were opened wide in wonder. Two dropped down and wagged her stubby tail in apology. With a canine grin and her ears pushed back as far as they could go, she seemed to say, “I know babies are off limits, but I couldn’t help myself.” At that moment, I realized why I had been tripping over Two all the time: she wanted to help! When Bridget was born, Two had enthusiastically welcomed the newest member of her family. But because she had difficulty curbing her energy, we had watched her closely. Now, at six years of age, with a more sedate disposition, Two understood she had to be gentle. That day marked a turning point for me. During Abigail’s fussy moments, I laid ... ...

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