
2023届高三英语二轮复习培优?名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选习题:A New Leash on Life(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:27次 大小:52384Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A New Leash on Life 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选A New Leash on Life 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 关爱动物 五星 1097 【文章梗概】 圣诞夜,我跟女儿来接母亲去教堂。母亲想把狗狗支开,没想手指和狗项圈缠绕在一起。我只好用剪刀强行把项圈剪开,结果狗狗昏迷过去没了心跳。情急之下,我对狗狗进行心肺复苏CPR,最后,奇迹发生了,狗狗活过来了,一家人感到惊喜激动。从此,我跟狗狗之间有了一层特殊的关系。 Dogs bring out the best in us. ~Author Unknown “Mom! Get your dog off me!” I yelled, two seconds after walking through her door. It was Christmas Eve, one of the few days a year when I dress up. My thirteen-year-old daughter Desirée and I had arrived to pick my mom up for church, and before I even closed the door behind me, my mom’s Shih Tzu, Verdell, had gotten her light-gray hair all over my nice black pants. Instead of pulling Verdell away with both hands and messing up her own clothes, my mom grabbed the dog’s collar with her index finger. Verdell was so excited to see us that she spun around in circles trying to free herself. But instead of freeing herself, she twisted the collar around my mother’s finger, tightening it more. My mother’s finger was stuck and Verdell couldn’t breathe. My mom screamed and got down on her knees. I thought she was screaming in pain but it was more than that. She was trying to unfasten the collar but it wouldn’t budge and neither would the dog. Verdell was motionless. I could see the fear in my mom’s eyes as she realized her closest companion couldn’t breathe. She tried pulling her finger out but couldn’t. There was no time to spin the dog back around to free her. My mom frantically found scissors but I grabbed them away from her, fearing she would nick the dog trying to cut the collar with one hand. I wasn’t comfortable cutting it off with both hands but I knew it was our only hope. My hands shook rapidly as I pushed the blade under Verdell’s collar, freeing her and my mom. Verdell’s head fell to the floor. I had never seen her still before. I put my ear to her chest to check for a heartbeat. There was nothing. I looked up at my mom, shook my head, and said, “She’s gone.” “Noooo! Nooo! Nooo,” my mom wailed. My daughter, who grew up with Verdell, ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. I stared at the dog in shock. I couldn’t believe Verdell was gone just like that. Only a couple of minutes earlier, she was greeting us at the door. It didn’t seem real. The lively little dog, who was never short of energy, lay there lifeless. My mother’s sobs penetrated my heart. I had never heard her cry like that. I thought her grief would kill her. I was never close to Verdell. I’m allergic to dogs, a bit of a germophobe in general and, as if she knew that, Verdell always went after me of all people. Aside from the shedding, she’d drool on me and even manage to slip her tongue into my mouth — a doggie French kiss. I don’t know what happened, but something clicked inside ... ...

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